Chapter 30 katana murder

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After explaining everything, she told me to just text her.

"Just text her! One date and you're good to go Sam. I don't like it but I'm on your side and if you're not ready to accept the facts than try it out! We're both so young we should experience! If you want to date a girl than do it, if you want sex than have sex, but let me tell you one thing.. no it's more of a request."

She took my hand and looked me deep in the eyes.

"Don't force yourself okey?"

"Now let me tell you about my day ! So Kyle this dude is so funny! The first thing we......."

It was Thursday evening and me and Zoë sat together with Koni on my couch and watched a movie.

"Whaaat that's great. What was her name again ?"

"Aurora, Aurora Stone."

"Wow even her name sounds pretty! Have you seen a picture of her or something?"

"No I just texted her 4 days ago asking for pictures sounds creepy.."

"Yeah your probably right."

She took a chip and petted Koni.

"You know I love you Sam and I just want the best for you, but are you sure about all this ? Really you don't have to do it if you do-"

"Zoë I want this ! Please.."

"Okey just... don't do anything uncomfortable okey?"



Bizzz bizzzz

"SHUT UP phone !" I aggressively screamed as I turned my alarm clock off. I couldn't sleep the entire night, having nightmares about the voice and my mother..

But at least it was Friday! And Mr. van Dale was finally back !

Did I say finally? I mean he's back, cool....

I took a long shower, refilled Konis water and food bowl, played a little bit with him and gave him a goodbye kiss.

"Ai shite iru ! See you later !"
(Love you)

As I was sitting on my workplace the work phone rang, it was Mr. van Dales office number! My heart skipped a little beat. I did miss him a little bit (a lot) but I would never admit it.

"Yes Mr. van Dale ?"

"Ah Mr. Tanaka could you please come into my office?"

And with that the phone ended.

I quickly saved all my files and walked towards his office. I subconsciously checked myself out before entering his office.

"Yes how could I help you ?"

"I need your help"

"My help ? With what ?"

"You're Japanese right ?"

"Half",I added quickly

"Right.. right I have a very complicated case. Well my new client is Japanese and refuses any conversation with any of us. He demands a Japanese lawyer and as you can see we don't have one in our department. We have a Chinese, Korean and Mongolian lawyer i thought that would be enough...I really tried everything but he just wouldn't talk to any of them."

He took a deep breath

„Don't worry you don't have to do anything and well even if you wanted you can't, but I think he would much rather talk if you would be by my side."

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