Chapter 29 wild youth

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Omg.. and here I was thinking he forgot about it!

I was practically springing out like a madman trying to find Zahar.

"You're very interesting when you're drunk Samuel."

My Name out of his mouth sounded so nice, it almost had something sensual to did feel strange, but I didn't feel bad or uncomfortable.

The little tingles in my stomach.. My heart liked it so much but my voice hated it. I shouldn't be thinking about him. He was attractive yes, but nothing more ! Men should only sexually attracted me not emotionally.

Sinner !
How dare you feel like that !
Mother won't like it, won't like it at all. She will hate us HATE US

I ran into the nearest bathroom. Okey Sam breath in, hold your breath and out. Ever since that day I got frequent panic attacks. Sometimes even out of nowhere. At home Koni helps me a lot but here at work... the breathing technique from Mr. van Dale really helps a lot.

It still takes quit some time to calm down but it was definitely better than nothing.

10 minutes later I got out of the cabinet, washed my face and pretended nothing happened.

"Ah Sam! There you are I was looking for you", Zahar was walking towards me. She wore a beautiful brown hijab which went well with her brown suit.

„These files they need to get signed"

-Lunch break

Me, Zoë and Kyle went to this new Coffee shop down the street. After having our heavy lunch, we had some time left and went to get some delicious drinks.

Since it was already the beginning of November it was quite cold.

"Men my balls are freezing!" Kyle said as we entered the shop.

"True! my choochie lips are frozen together!"

"Zoë! Kyle!" I playfully hit their arms.

"What ?! It's fucking cold here in New York! But lets order our break is almost over guys!"

Zoë got a cinnamon Frappuccino and a muffin, Kyle ordered a vanilla latte and I tried the caramel macchiato (hehehe iykyk 👀)

"Kyle ?!"

We all turned around

"Milaja ! What are you doing here kid ? Why aren't you at school?"

"Chill Kyle! I'm on lunch break, oh a familiar face.. ehhm Sam.. right ?" The young girl with short pink hair that almost reached her shoulders and same black fox-like eyes as him looked at me.

"Haha yes, I hope Mr. van Dale wasn't too mad back than.."

"Vin ? Nahh he can't stay mad for long. Plus he knows how I am."

"Yes a fucking rascal!" Kyle interrupted and playfully hit her head. „She's never listening, always doing what she wants, totally different from him!"

"HA what are you talking about ?! I know how my brother was back then with you in college! Always partying, coming home in the middle of the night with some random chick, a new partner every week...He and you were so much worse than me!"

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