Chapter 2

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<Bellamy's P.O.V.>
I just have to keep running. No matter how much my lungs burn and my feet telling me to stop. I have for to lose this Grounder before he has me for lunch. It's not like they eat us, it's much simpler. They just kill us. And I don't want to die. Not now, not this way. And I can't leave Octavia without a brother, who looks out for her no matter what. And Clarke. I can't leave her with all that leader stuff. I know she can't take it alone. Plus there are many more reasons why I can't leave her. If I do I will never see her piercing blue eyes, her dirty blonde hair that drapes around her shoulder and frames her face. And I'll never hear her voice again, telling me that I'm not a monster and a killer, all the bad things I do is to protect my sister. She makes me believe that there is still something good in me. That all my mother's hard work didn't go to waste. That there is more to me than meets the eye, and she knows deep down who I am better than anyone else. She knows me. Clarke is the reason I'm alive, and I don't blame her for closing that dropship door. It had to be done. To keep everyone else safe. To keep Octavia and herself safe from all of these animals.
Running away from the camp is a little selfish and I understand that, but the last of the Grounders had to go. There is no way I'm letting them hurt the people I love. People? As in more than one? Someone besides Octavia. The first person to enter my mind is Clarke. I can't possibly love her. She's the complete opposite of me. She's brave, patient, she's compassionate and she cares about the people not just the power. And me. I'm a coward, power hungry asshole who will kill anyone and anything standing in my way. But how can Clarke see the good in that? My mind wanders back to the thought of me loving Clarke.
I guess it is understandable we have been spending a lot of time together, planning or just talking. We are opposites but at the same time we fit together perfectly.
I look back and the forest around me is still and empty. I guess I lost him. But I still grip my spear tight and slow down. I lean on a tree to catch my breath, to make the pain go away. I slide down the tree trunk and close my eyes.

"Here drink this." Clarke hands me the metal cup filled with water. The sickness has affected a huge part of us but we are fighter we don't give up. Somehow Clarke got is, and I know the reason behind it.
He infected everyone he touched, including Clarke who was tending to make him feel better. After a while she got sick and as she was giving the people a speech her eyes started to bleed and she was collapsing. I was closer to her and caught her just before she hit the ground. Finn was eager to catch her too. But I was there first. I glared at him and he turned away. I carried her in and set her in the hammock that was available. I did not leave her side. I helped her get a little better and that's how I got sick. But I don't care. As long as she's ok, I'm good. I got it worse than her. I was throwing up blood, I had muslitole nosebleeds in a mere hour and I was unconscious most of the time. But Clarke was there for me. I did not let anyone help me. Unless that someone was Clarke or Octavia. But I told my sister to stay away, and Clarke just couldn't. I told her so many times to stay away, and being the stubborn Princess she is, she not once left my side.
So here we are, sitting on something that looks like bed, sitting so close her knees are touching my own and I swear I feel a jolt of electricity. The same one I felt when she was cleaning me up, he tender fingers running over my face.
I take a sip and look at her.
"How are you feeling?"
"Better." She looks down at her hands and up at me. Our eyes lock and we just linger like that.
"Good." I say just barely above a whisper. She is still looking at me and there is something new in her eyes. It's not the pure hatred that we had for each other the moment we landed, but it's a caring kind of look. There's also worry mixed in, and I like that she was worried about me. It's nice knowing that someone cares for me.
"Clarke thank you." I say her name and she smiles. It's very rare that I do that. I call her by her name in only two cases when it's a very serious moment or when it's meaningful.
"You scared me Bell. I told you not to touch me." She exclaims and laughs.
"Well I could see the Princess get hurt." I say and smile. I like her nickname, and I know she likes it too. She's used to it by now, but I also liked seeing a reaction from her when I first started calling her that.
"I'm glad you're better. But we have to get ready for the attack. So when you feel like you're up to it, I'll be around. Or call for me." She stand up and walks away to help others in the space around me. I watch her for a second and finish my water.

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