Chapter 4

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<Clarke's P.O.V.>
The guards dragged me back to the rooms, but this time they tie me up. The room is the same, plain white. It makes my eyes hurt.
What is wrong with these people?
Some elderly man walks in, must be someone important. He starts talking, but I'm not listening. I'm just looking straight at the ceiling. White tiles. Counting them. Not looking anywhere but up. Occasionally glance at the door, but I look through the people. I don't see them. It's like they are floating bodies. Irrelevant. I completely tune out and the sharp pinch of a needle penetrating my skin rips me out of my daze.
"What the hell?!" I scream and try to free myself.
"It's for the best Clarke." The man says and walks out. The guards follow him and the door locks. I hear the faint 'click' and the room falls silent. Nothing. The silence seems to be pressing down on me, making me feel smaller. Whatever they gave me was making me dizzy and lightheaded.
They drugged me.
There is no point in fighting, not in this state. So I just focus on the only good thing in my life.
I register on his face and his whole being, and he's the last thing I see before I slip back into the darkness. But this time it's not completely dark. It's a dream.

I'm following Bellamy through the forest, because I gotta keep an eye on him. He tends to run when something bad happens, but usually it's to think or blow some steam off.
"Bellamy." I call after him but he doesn't turn. He just keeps on walking farther away from the camp. "Bellamy stop!" I say in a raised voice. He takes a few more steps and stops.
"What do you want?" He asks in a very rude voice, and he is still not turning around.
"I want you to tell me what's wrong." I come up to him he looks up. He has trace of hurt in his eyes. "Talk to me." I softly say and put my hand on his upper arm.
"You want to know? Ok, I'll tell you." Bell's expression changes. It goes from hurt to mad pretty quick and I take a couple of steps back because when he's mad you don't want to be too close to him.
"I'll tell you. You is what's wrong! Clarke, you are messing with me. First you all over Spacewalker and then you're with me. I don't know what is happening, Clarke." He yells at me and I'm trapped. The tree behind me, angry Bellamy in front of me and his strong arms on both side of me, making it impossible to escape.
"I do-" I start to justify myself but I can't.
"No! I'm tired Clarke. I don't know what kind of game you are playing but I'm done. I'm done with you and with him." He gets close to me. I start breathing harder and I can feel his breath in me. It sends chills down my back and I just look at him.
"Bellamy please." That's a good start. I don't get to finish this time either, because he presses his lips to mine. His hands, one of them is in my hair and the other one is on the small of my back. At first I want to pull away but Bell's strong grip pulls me into him. I wrap my arms around his neck and we keep going. Bellamy presses us closer together and harder against the tree. His hand accidentally pulls on my hair and I pulls back.
"Shit Princess, did that hurt?" He asks but I don't care about it. Actually I could care less about it.
"Shut up." I whisper and pulls him back into the kiss. His hands travel up my sides under my shirt and I'm taking his jacket off, the gun he was holding earlier is on the ground. My hands find the edge of his shirt and I tug on it. I pull it over his head and as soon as it's off he connects our lips again. I jump and wrap my legs around his torso. The only thing holding me up is Bellamy. The kisses become more rough and rushed like we are running out of time. My shirt is long gone, joining the growing pile on the ground. The cool air hits my skin but Bellamy's body is warming up. And the electricity of the kisses keeps me warm as well. My fingers tangle in his black curls that make him irresistible. We continue kissing and the hunger and lust for each other is growing. And then I hear my name being called from a distance.
"Bell someone's coming." I pulls back our eyes still closed.
"Let them come." He kisses me again and I pull back again.
"Clarke!!" I hear a female voice call out again. And I recognize it.
"Dammit Bell it's Octavia." I jump down and find my shirt, I throw his to him and he quickly pulls it on. Just as Bellamy pulled on his jacket Octavia come running from the direction of the camp.
"Clarke! There you are." She stops when she sees me and Bellamy. My hair is probably messed up and I try to smooth it out. She looks from me to her brother and back at me. "What's going on?" She asks narrowing her eyes and her older sibling.
"Nothing O. Did you need something?" Bellamy looks at his sister.
"Uh yeah, Miller needs help in the medpod." She says looking at me. "He needs you in there right now."
"Now?" I ask, because I really don't want to leave Bellamy here. Not after what just happened.
"Yes now. Life and death, Clarke." She put her hand on her hips and waits for me impatiently. That she gets from her brother.
"Ok I'll catch up with you, just need to finish the plan." I nod toward Bellamy and O mumbles and accusing 'mhm' and start walking back.
"We are finishing this later." Bell says and pulls me back for another kiss.
"Definitely." I break the kiss and run after Octavia.
When I catch up with her, she looks at me.
"How was it?" She asks.
"How was what?" She can't seriously know.
"The kiss." She prompts.
"What kiss?" I ask. C'mon drop it.
"Oh don't play dumb Clarke. You and Bellamy. I could see it all over his face and yours too. Plus your hair was messed and his gun was on the ground and he was pulling on his jacket. I'm not stupid." She says. And starts running. "So how was it?" She asks again.

<Bellamy's P.O.V.>
Lincoln is trying to light a bonfire and I'm rummaging through the pack I found. There are some nuts and berries, medical supplies and a bunch of other stuff. Like a map. I take it out and examine it carefully.
"What's that?" Lincoln asks me striving the fire alive.
"This is a map." I say, my voice full of sarcasm.
"Of what?" He takes a seat and tries warming his hands up. It's getting close to winter and the air at night gets chilly.
"The forest or something. There are coordinates here." I say and come closer to him to show him.
"That's Mount Weather." He taps the coordinates and looks around it. "We are right here." He points to a couple of squares away from the coordinates.
"Ok so we should be able to make it there tomorrow." I say hoping we can. Because I can't be delayed anymore. Lincoln practically threatened to knock me out in order to set this camp.
I have got to hurry, with every passing minute, the two people I care most about can be getting hurt. Or worse.
"We are going to get them back." Lincoln smugly says, I guess he noticed my expression because I had a very determined and worried look.
"But we need to rest. If we have a battle we need all the energy that we can get. I'll be on watch." My companion says and stands up.
"What about you?" I ask the tall grounder.
"I'll be fine." Is all he says and turn around to skim through the forest.
I don't say anything else. I just lean against the tree and close my eyes. An image of Clarke pops into my head. She's talking with my sister about something that come up and I smile to myself. Clarke has that smile the one that made me fall for her in the first place. She looks so into the conversation and that's what I love about her. Whatever you are talking about you have her full attention. She listens and thinks at the same time. Her blue eyes sparkle as the sun hits them, also lighting up her face up. She looks stunning in the lighting and it just makes me want to find her even more. And I want to go now. I need to. But Lincoln's right, I need energy if I'm going to be fighting my way in. I don't clear my mind. I falls asleep with the image of Clarke in my mind.
I'm going to find you.
I need to find you.

So part of this was an idea from some friends of mine and I was happy to write it in. I hope you are liking this and I want to hear your feedback.

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