Chapter 3

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<Clarke's P.O.V.>
I must've fallen asleep on the floor because when I wake up I feel the cold tiles under me. I stand up and stretch out my stuff muscles. I haven't gotten a good night sleep since I was separated from Bell, but tonight I my dreams were filled with our memories and just Bellamy is general. God I miss him so much.
I walk to the door to see Monty and I don't. There's the 'monster' I saw last night. Cleaning out his room and my friend is nowhere to be found. I panic. I start yelling and banging on the door again. But nothing happens. I need to get out. To find my friends but I need to get past the door. I see the IV stand and and camera recording my every move. I smash it with the stand and break the window. I grab a piece of glass and as I reach out of the window to open the door I cut myself. The sharp glass cutting my flesh making me bleed hard. I run into the room across from mine and attack watch ever it is that's in there. I rip the costume off and inside is a girl. When she realizes what is happening she screams from fear and seeing me like this. I'm probably the monster I was afraid of becoming. I grab the girl and put the glass shard to her neck.
"Where is he? Where the hell is my friend?!" I yell at her and she just looks at me and starts to cry. "I'm going to ask you again. Where. The. Hell. Is. Monty." I repeat every word carefully and cruel.
"Please Clarke, put do-" the girls starts to explain.
"How do you know my name?" I yell at the girl. By this time Bellamy would have probably got me off of the girl but he's not here. He might not even be alive.
I lead the girl out and strengthen my grip on her as she tries squirming away.
"Take me to where Monty is. Now!" I scream at the girl pressing the blade harder to her throat. I'm not going to kill her, I need her.
But if you didn't, you would?
No. I'm not a killer.
"Clarke please put the shard down. Let's talk about this." The girls' shaky voice breaks the silence.
"No! I want to see my friends. And you are going to take me to them or I'm gonna a have to it my own way." I threaten her. I do what I have to in order to find everyone. To save them. As well as myself.
"Ok. Please put down the glass." She cries through her tears.
I ignore her and she swipes her cars here and there to enter strange passage ways and bunkers. I follow her and she is trembling with fear.
I know I get the 'attack first-ask questions later' actions from Bell. He usually does it. First to show who's the boss and then ask for information. I guess being around him for so long taught me something.
I don't even know where we are going and the girl leads me into a brightly lit room and there are people there. I see some familiar faces and my eyes widen in the unfamiliarity with this place. Some people look at me and the girl their eyes widen with fear.
"We have a code-1. Exposure. Exposure." One of the elderly woman screams and soon guards are drugging me and taking me off the girl and back the way we came.
What the hell is this place?
And why is at Mount Weather?
<Bellamy's P.O.V.>
Lincoln follows me down the steps into the bunker and I light a glow stick I found on the floor and lead us deeper to the place where me and Clarke found guns. Hopefully there are more. As well as more bullets.
"Be careful where you step. It's slippery." I warn my companion who is closely behind me. He doesn't say anything. I guess we're are still not over the whole torture thing. Yes did torture him but I had good damn reason to. I guess he stim hasn't forgiven me, and it's after I let him be with Octavia. I game my sister to him for gods sake. But I also know the reason he is now usually speaking, he's listening. To the sounds of the forest and everything around it, he senses danger or something like that. I go into the room filled with barrels and a memory hits me.

"Ready to be a badass Clarke." I say as she is positioning the gun to her shoulder.
"So do I just hold it to my shoulder?" She asks looking a little awkward. I place my hand on her back and helps her with the gun.
"Uhh yeah, uh just like that." I stumble over the words and take my hand off her back.
What the hell?
"Watch a professional." I say and grab a gun and pull the trigger but nothing happens.
"Still watching." She makes a snarky remark and cocks her eyebrow.
God she frustrates me so much, but I want to push her against that wall and kiss her.
Bellamy stop!!
It's Clarke.
I glare at her and try again. Just like last time nothing happens.
"Must be out of bullets. You try yours." I tell her and she look at the red curtain with an 'X' on it. She positions herself right and shoots it. It goes off and Clarke looks back at me.
"That was amazing. Is it wrong to feel this way?" She asks and I smile. Rookie.
"No it's not." I reply and look in other barrels.

I stop in my tracks and remember that day. That happened and we saved each other's lives. And also the night she told me she needs me. And I'm not the monster I think I am. She makes me believe in it.
"You alright?" Lincoln's voice pulls me back to reality.
"What? Yeah I'm fine." I answer and continue walking. "Look through those." I point to the barrels farthest away from us. He walks over and knocks them over. The liquid comes spilling out and a couple of gun fall out as well.
I look for amo. Bullets and powder. Anything to load the gun with. I find grenades as well and take a couple, shoving them into a pack I found on the ground. Must be the one Clarke left behind that night. I walk over to Lincoln and take two guns. I put them over my shoulder and check them for bullets.
Well I'll just have to watch my supply. Hopefully once the guys are out Jasper can make more. He said he knows how to make more powder and that great. Now I just have to find them. I pick another one up and hand it to the grounder. He refuses it.
"You will need it." I encourage him and he still is not reaching for it. "C'mon I need you to not die. Do it for O."
His eyes shoot to look at me at the mention of my sister. He reluctantly take the gun from me and straps it across his shoulder.
"Let's go, we can't waste any more time." I say and start walking out.
"Do you even know where we are going?" Lincoln asks me as we teach the surface.
"Let's try Mount Weather. Something tells that, that is the place where everyone is. And we need to hurry." I say quickening my step.
I have to find Clarke and Octavia as soon as possible to shrink the possibility of them getting hurt. I wouldn't be able to live with it. And I know that I need to get to Clarke because I know she's blaming herself for leaving me out here. But I made the choice for her, so she wouldn't have to. I couldn't let her fight with me, she's too important to me. I made her leave me, to protect everyone on that ship. And I ran, and I kept going. Not even looking back.
So selfish and stupid.
I think of Clarke's smiles ms her eyes looking at me. And that is what makes me meow going, through the pain. When she screams my name in order for me to find her. When she just says my name. It's soft and caring. I need to hear it again. More than once. And by now I'm running to Mount Weather, and Lincoln is following me. I just need a plan. That's all.
But I'm not good with plans. That's Clarke's department. This is exactly why I need her, she completes me. I'll just think of something. Right now I need to find Mount Weather, but I know where I'm going. I don't know how, but I do.

So not my best chapter but I'll make it up to you guys. Tomorrow I'll post a longer one. Just bear with me. If love to hear your feedback.

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