Chapter 5

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<Bellamy's P.O.V.>
As I'm following the map and getting closer to Mount Weather, I'm growing more anxious. I can't wait to see Octavia and see the look on her face when she sees me. Or to hold her in my arms again. She's my little sister-my responsibility. I can feel my heart start racing the moment I think about Clarke. The anticipation to see her bright blue eyes filled with so much hope looking back at me. To see her smile, the one that makes me glad I didn't let her go the first day we got into a trap. And most of all I just want to feel her beside me. She makes me who I am and encourages me to be better. And that is why I love her.
"The bunker should be close by." I say to my companion who is quietly walking behind me. Scanning the woods and listening as well.
We are climbing uphill, and as we reach the top I drop to the ground and Lincoln does the same.
"What?" He asks trying to peek above the hill.
"Guards. Too many. Armed." I whisper hoping they didn't hear me. They are dressed is something that looks like a hazmat suit and holding rifles. Just like the ones we found in the bunker on the other side of the woods.
"We need a distraction." Lincoln says and begins to slowly descend and run to the left. I have no idea what is going on. But like he said we needed a distraction and I guess he's the distraction. I watch him disappear into the woods and I'm praying he's not going to do something stupid.
And then comes the howling and animal-like sounds from the direction that Lincoln went. I peek from the rocks on top of the hill and the guards are running that way. And this is my chance.
I sprint toward the door. There's a keypad and I needed a code. But I don't have one so I just shoot the keypad and the door opened. But as soon as I walked through the alarm went off.
This would be a really good time for a plan, Bellamy.
<Clarke's P.O.V.>
The sound of a really annoying alarm wakes me up. I try to pull my arms down but is no use, I am reminded by the restrains that they don't want me to move at all. My arms the the only ones that are tied, and I'm just laying on the bed. I hear running outside my room and I want to know what's going on. Why is the alarm going off and the guards running? I tug on the restrains but it's no use. They won't budge. The loop around my hand is tight but is I can just dislocate my thumb I can fit it through.
You need both hands for that.
I know, I'm not dumb. I try again, and again. But nothing happens. I try a few more times and I give up. They want me to give up. But that's what THEY want. What I want is to be out of these restrains and helping everyone out and finding Bellamy. To be free, just the first day we landed on Earth. To feel the sun on my face, the light breeze through my hair and the smell of woods filling my lungs. As well as being in Bell's arms once again, and just holding on to him, just like holding on for dear life. And with the newfound energy I try again. I pull my arms down, with all the strength I have, and I swear I hear something snap. I open my eyes, and the light hurts from having them squeezed shut. At first I thought it was my hand that snapped but I don't feel any pain, so that's good. Then what snapped? I guess the bed frame did. And that's nothing. Nothing to help me get out.
<Bellamy's P.O.V.>
This is so confusing. As I'm running through the tunnels and taking random turns, I'm trying to lose the guards on my ass and I'm also getting lost. It's not like I knew where to go either way. But I have to find somewhere where they keep the prisoners. I take yet another turn and there is a small opening in the wall. I get in there and listen as the guards run by. As soon as the coast is clear I get out but to my bad luck there is a girl walking toward me. And when she sees me she freezes. The look in her eyes is a mix of terror and confusion.
"Hey, look at me." I run up to her and she snaps out of her trance.
"Please don't hurt me." She pleads. Looks like she already gone through something like this.
"I need your help." I tell her and she hesitantly shakes her head. "Great, I'm looking for my friends. One of them her name is Clarke." I continue and the sound of Clarke's name the girl flinches.
So it was Clarke.
"She hurt me. Why should I help you?" The girl angrily snaps at me.
"Because wouldn't you want to do everything in your power to save the people you love?" I try to talk some sense into her.
"You love that psycho bi-" she starts yelling and I don't want to hear it.
"She's what?!" I scream back. How dare she insult the only person I can truly care about. And truly love. "She does what she has to, to survive and save the others. Do don't you dare call her psycho."
"Ok Romeo, calm down. What's in it for me?"
Did she just call me Romeo??
"To be honest nothing. You are going to tell me where she is." I start getting angry.
"Or what?" She girl cocks her eyebrows.
She has some nerve.
"Or I'm going to do the same thing Clarke did."
Her eyes widen at the mention of Clarke and what ever she did. I guess I rubbed off on her. I take out the knife and hold it to her throat. She starts getting squeamish and I get a grip on her. She tries to get out.
"Please don't do this. Please. I can't." The girl starts crying and pleading.
"I won't as long as you tell me where she is. Or better yet take me there." I press the knife into her throat barely restraining myself from cutting it.
"Ok, ok. Just please don't hurt me." She continues to plead.
"We'll see." I say, "Now start walking."
And she starts walking, leading me down through a series of turns and tunnels.
Hang on Clarke I'm coming.
<Clarke's P.O.V.>
The alarm seemed to stop ringing, I wonder what was that all about. The guards seem to only be running very now and then. I can't help but wonder how the others are doing. Monty? Jasper? Octavia?
Oh god, O.
I need to find her. She's very important to me, she and Bellamy are. And so is everyone else. And yet another surge of energy comes in and I pull once again on the restrains. I hear another snap, but again it's just the bed frame.
I hate being here. I hate being so helpless, so weak. I am weak. It's consuming me from the inside, I can't stand it.
And then I see Maya again behind my door. She looks terrified and seems to be crying. Just like the time I took her hostage. She enters my room and I don't even notice her, not after my eyes immediately find the familiar brown ones. The dark curls getting in the way and the same muscular posture of my love.
He's alive!
He came for me!
"Clarke." His voice is soft and I need to hear it again.
<Bellamy's P.O.V.>
The brown haired girl trembles under my touch as she leads me into a hallway of rooms. They are all under heavy locks and I can't believe that they are keeping everyone here.
Who are these people?
Then the girl stops in front of the door and opens it. And I instantly forget about everything else once my eyes lock with the familiar blue ones. The sight of her makes me feel powerful, just like old times. She looks at me in disbelief and relief.
"Clarke." I softly say and walk toward her. Her hands are tied above her head and I can see she was trying to break free, I can't believe how much pain this cause her.
"You're alive. I thought you were dead." She whispers and I smile.
"Not a chance Princess." I tell her using her nickname. I love it when I call her that, because now when she hears it she lights up.
She looks up at me, and she smiles. But her face quickly changes into one of fear.
"We'll get her once you're free." I say. And start cutting her free. Once I'm done her arms wrap around my neck and at first I'm surprised but then I hug her back. Holding her tight and making sure she's safe.
"I thought I'd never see you again Bell. I was terrified." She says into the crook of my neck and I smile into her hair.
"Like I said, not a chance Princess." I rub her back and she pulls back. And not long after her lips connect with mine.
We kissed only twice before. Those were lust-hungry and powerful. This one is passionate and sweet as well as gentle. Her hands hold my face and she pulls back. Our foreheads still touching she breathes out.
"That was.." She can't finish. So I do.
She looks at me and smiles.
"We should really go."
I help her up and we free everyone else. Or everyone else who survived. I see Monty and Jasper, two best friends reunited again. I see a couple more people hug and others silently cry over their loses. And then I see the familiar petite posture of my little sister.
"Brother!" Octavia runs toward me and almost knocks me off my feet. I wrap my arms around her and it is so good to see her. She seems to be alright without any scratches. Unlike some of the others.
"It's so good to see you. I was so scared but Clarke told me that we'll find each other." Octavia starts and she is so happy to see me and I'm thrilled to see her too. She my only family left.
"We can't leave her." Clarke motions toward the girl.
That's true, we can't.
"Ok she comes with us but on one condition. Her hands are tied, just in case, you" I point at her, "try anything."
And Jasper ties her hands and leads her after me and Clarke. I hear the alarms again and shout for everyone to move it. As we are running Clarke can't keep up, so I pick her up and carry her. We find a door that leads to a staircase and we use it to get back up the surface.
I have Clarke in my arms the whole time, she is holding on to me and I'm glad she needs me as much as I need her. Once we are on the surface, we spot Lincoln and Octavia runs into his arms. She looks so happy to see him again and Lincoln is Lincoln, I don't even know what he's feeling half the time, but he is smiling.
"We have to run." I say and we start downhill toward the caves and the dropship. Now that I got everyone I need I'm ready to take on anything. I've got my sister out safely and I got the love of my life in arms where I want her to stay.
"I missed you." Clarke says. Into my ear as we keep going. We need to put as much distance between us and Mount Weather as possible.
"I missed you too Clarke." I kiss the top of her head.
"You can put me down now." She asks and I just tighten my grip.
"No way in hell. I'm keeping you right here."
I feel her loosen up and just let me hold her.
"Good." She mumbles.

Hey guys,
I'm sorry for such a long wait but it's here. I hope you enjoyed it. And as ways leave comments and let me know what you think.

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