Chapter 6

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<Bellamy's P.O.V.>
The soft cracking of the firewood, people laughing and catching up, was just the background noise. It was nice, I was tired of the silentness of the forest. I was sitting by the fire looking over at a sleeping Clarke. The fire playing softly on her features, her eye were closed and her hair was draped along her shoulders. Her hands were clasped to whether under her cheek and she just looks peaceful. And beautiful.
"Now there's something I thought I'd never see." I'm startled by Octavia's voice coming from behind me.
"See what?" I ask her and reach my hands out to the fire. The winder was coming and we needed to find shelter pretty quick.
"You falling in love." She sits next to me and puts her head on my shoulder.
"It's that obvious, huh?" I ask. I just can't help myself.
"Yeah. I can see the way you look at her. The way your eyes still linger in her as she walks away. But don't worry, she has that same look in her eyes when she looks at you. Or just talks about you."O says.
I like this. Sibling bonding, to be honest I missed her so much.
"I missed you, O." I half hug her and she hugs me back.
"I missed you too, Bell. I was so worried and scared." She says into me.
"Hey nothing is going to happen to me. At least not that I got you and Clarke back." I say and look over to Clarke again. She starts to stir and her eyes flutter open. Her eyes immediately find mine and she faintly smiles. Octavia notices and goes back to find Lincoln. Those two are the most unlikely couple ever but so are me and Clarke.
Did I just call me and Clarke a couple?
No way!?
I don't know what we are. She doesn't say anything and neither do I, but I have to say something.
"Last time I saw you, you were closing the dropship door." I say and look over to her. She doesn't meet my eyes and instead looks at the ground. "It had to be done." I try to make her feel better. I wasn't mad at her for closing it, she was looking out for everyone and I told her to go. I saw the tears in her eyes and how much it hurt her to leave me out here, but it was necessary.
"I didn't want to." Clarke says and this time, that she looks at me, all I see is regret and pain.
"I should have never left you alone. I should've fought for you." She says and I see a tear trail it's way down her cheek.
I scoot next to her and take her into my arms. "I was so scared. I was ready to go and look for you. To find you again, because somehow we manage to find our way back to each other. I was ready for anything, but one thing I wasn't prepared for was losing you Bell. I was terrified." She soaks my shirt with her tears but that is the least of my worries. This is the most broken I've seen her, she rarely shows weakness.
"Shhh. It's ok. I'm here and I'm not going anywhere. I just got you back Clarke." I say, she makes me feel the way no one has ever made me feel. She discovers new parts of me that I didn't know existed. And she makes me feel.
She stops crying but she still won't show her face. So I pull her away and life her chin so she can look at me. "Listen to me, you are not going to lose me. I won't let that happen. Clarke I need you." I look in her eyes and they regain the lightness and sparkle I fell in love with.
"That's just words Bellamy. You don't know what can happen." She says and her eyes become grey again.
"I do know one thing. You and I aren't getting separated. It's me and you." And I kiss her. She instantly kisses me back. My hands are on her cheek that are a little damp from her tears. I can feel new ones slipping out and I wipe them away. Her hands are holding my arms with a tight grip. It's a small and gentle kiss, and these are the ones I was looking forward to once I found her. This makes me feel so right, that I finally belong with someone. She pulls away for air, not breaking our contact. Her hands find mine and she tangles her fingers with mine. Her small hand fits perfectly into my large one. I put one arm around her and she put her head on my shoulder. I lean back so we are in a more comfortable position.
<Clarke's P.O.V.>
From the position I'm laying in, I can feel Bellamy's heartbeat. It gets quicker when I get closer to him. I know my own is going off the charts but I can't help it.
What are we?
Me and Bellamy, so different and yet so perfect for each other.
It's still late at night and I should really rest in order to not slow down the group tomorrow when we get on the road. I hated the feeling of being weak, but I'm healing. I got everyone I need, and most importantly I'm in Bell's arms. His presence alone makes me feel better, the feeling that he's here. That he's alive. The soft sounds of the woods around us, cracking of the fire and people in the background are making it seem like the familiar scene. But this time were on the run from every creature that is out here. We are not a whole anymore. We lost people.
I hug Bellamy and snuggle against him, the chilly air was making me cold and the fire was helping but his arms around me were making much more effect. He's so soft and welcoming that it makes me drift off again. This is perfect. For now. Considering everything, this is as close to normal as we'll ever get.
<Bellamy's P.O.V.>
Clarke's breathing slowed down a she fell asleep. She needs some rest, we got to find shelter soon. Not that I mind carrying her. I smile at the thought. It's a nice one too. Having her close to me, being able to protect her. I don't think she knows just how much she means to me. How important she is to me. Of course I worry about Octavia but she got Lincoln who is more suited for these conditions, but all of us are learning, including me. I learned how to lead people, and work together. As I'm laying here thinking of all the nice things that happened to me, Clarke and my sister, Lincoln squats next to me.
"I know this is inconvenient but we have to get on the move. Now." The fire lights ups his face and he is serious like never before.
"What? Why?" I ask trying to wake up Clarke.
"The mountain men are coming. I saw them from the tree. They are not close enough but we have to get on the move to get away safely." He tells me and I know we do.
"Ok. Warn everyone and tell them we are leaving." I order him and he goes to tell the remaining of the 100.
When everyone is packed up, Jasper and Monty strap guns over their shoulders and walk in the front with me. As everyone follows us out. I put out the fire and our surroundings go dark. When our eyes adjust we start walking. I have a gun over my shoulder but it's kind of useless to me right now since I got Clarke sleeping in my arms. I walk as careful as I can to not make her wake up and start worrying all over again. Hopefully we can find something to spend the winter in, or just any shelter. My first thought are those underground bunkers, but we know only two and not all of us will fit in them. Plus I need one for just me and Clarke. Hopefully there are more of them. Or caves would also work. These two options is are both underground so it could at least five off a little ground heat.
"We need shelter." Lincoln walks up next to me and O walks on the other side of me.
"How many caves do you have?" I ask him.
"I have some to fit almost everyone. But they are a little spread out over the area." He keeps looking ahead.
"Ok that's great. I got some bunkers in mind. So I thought me and Clarke would take some people with us to those bunkers and you and Octavia can take the rest to the caves." I say stopping in a small clearing. Everyone stops too.
"Ok then that's the plan. We can meet tomorrow at the dropship to discuss everything. But for now keep on look out. And be careful." He says and takes the majority of the group.
"Please be safe." Octavia stand on her tippy toes and kisses my cheek.
"I will O. And you too. I can't lose you." I look at her and she nods. And soon she disappears into the dark after Lincoln.
I gather up the rest of the group. We don't have a lot of people. Just Monty and Jasper who is still holding Maya, the we got Raven and Murphy and of course Miller. I lead them to the bunkers and our six companions take one and safely close the latch. Once me and Clarke are alone, I find the other door and open it. I carefully get Clarke inside and set her on the bed. It's amazing how she is still asleep. I climb in next to her and wrap my arms protectively around her. As soon as I do, she presses closer to me and I put a blanket over us. The darkness of the bunker and the fact that I'm in bed makes me sleepy. I put my head down and my face to the back of Clarke's neck.
All we have to do is survive.
It can't be that hard after this. We survived this long. We just have to hope and fight. And never give up.
And then I slip into the black nothingness, except this time there's light and Clarke's is there. This is a start of something great.

I am so sorry that it is so late. I promise I will start updating on time. But for now I hope you enjoyed it.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2015 ⏰

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