Chapter 5

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Qrow coughed as he was leaning against the tree.

Ruby: Are you alright uncle Qrow?

Qrow: *Cough* I'm fine...

Vernde looked at the purple stained bandages that were wrapped around the drunk's torso.

Vernde: Bullshit, you've been poisoned and you know it.

Y/N: He's right.

Y/N walked up to Qrow and quickly knocked him out.

Ruby: Y/N! Why did you do that?!

Y/N: Got any other ideas on how to make a stubborn drunk agree with you?

Ruby: I'm pretty sure I could've talked to him.

Y/N laid Qrow on the makeshift stretcher and picked him up with the help of Jaune.

Y/N: Next time, we'll try it your way. But right now, Qrow needs medical attention.

Vernde: MEDIC!

Everyone stared at Vernde in confusion.

Neo: Why did you shout that?

Vernde: Sorry, I was kinda hoping a medic would appear from nowhere.

They shook their heads at him. After a few minutes of walking, Y/N looked around and recognized the trail.

Y/N: (It can't be.)

Nora ran ahead to a signpost. She excitedly pointed at the sign before going quiet. Ruby ran up to them and suggested going through Kuroruri.

Ren: There's nothing there!

Neo: Well, there is no way we can make it through the mountains with the condition Qrow is in.

Y/N: Me, Nora, and Ren will go through the mountains to get a better view of the land to see if there is a better route to take.

Ruby: But Y/N...

Y/N: Please Ruby, besides, someone needs to keep an eye on them.

Neo and Jaune picked up Qrow and headed towards Kuroruri, while Y/N, Nora, and Ren went to the mountains.

Y/N: (Guess this is the one thing I can't face.)


Uraraka watched as Deku ran off, disappearing into the trees. Drake sighed as he hoped it would've gone smoother.

Drake: Damn. I was hoping he would at least listen to you.

Uraraka: So... What now?

Drake turned and began walking down the road.

Drake: Now? You stick with me until I can get you both back to your universe.

Uraraka nodded as she followed Drake, both vanishing into the shadows.


Y/N walked behind Nora and Ren while looking at the ground. Ren noticed this and stopped.

Ren: Are you ok?

Y/N: No. Years ago I made a promise to never run away. And I broke it because I can't even face the past.

Nora: Hey guys! I found a cave! Think it might lead us to higher ground?

Y/N looked at the cave and suddenly felt his body become very heavy. Like something was in there that he didn't want to see. He shook off the feeling and nodded.

Y/N: Probably, only one way to find out.

As the three of them entered the cave, they noticed different weapons scattered across the floor.

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