Noncanon Halloween Special

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Chibi time, chibi time, let's go visit the Chibi Universe!

*Ehem* It was a cold and dark morning, where all the dead slept in their graves. It would soon change once the sun had set, marking the start of the spooky event. Y/N was by himself, unaware of the horror that would soon be upon him.

Y/N hummed to himself has he was cleaning the room. His other teammates were in town getting a few supplies. He looked at the calendar and his eyes widened.


???: Did you say Halloween?!

Nora busted through the wall with a huge grin on her face. Ren peeked his head through the Nora-shaped hole.

Ren: I was hoping to break it to her slowly.

Y/N: Sorry about that Ren, I guess I was surprised I forgot about it.

Ren: It's fine, I just hope Nora doesn't go overboard like last year...

Y/N shuddered at the thought of a super sugared up Nora.

Y/N: You must be the strongest person in the world.

Ren: Let's go Nora, you still need to find a costume.

Ren was immediately dragged by Nora down the hall. Y/N sighed as  he opened the closet and pulled out a few pieces of wood.

Y/N: I wonder what I should go as...

???: Heykidwanttoseeadeadbody?!

Y/N yelped in surprise as Drake phased through the wall, or that was who he assumed the flaming dragon skeleton was.

Y/N: What the hell?!

Drake: Just trying to see what your up to.

Y/N: Just fixing the wall. What are you up to?

Drake: Just heading to a few graveyards.

Y/N: Why?

Drake: Ima go and see if any ghosts want to join me spooking everyone.

Y/N: Cool, good luck.

Drake: Thanks, by the way, it is Ruby's birthday.

Y/N: I better get to Vale then. Think you can pick something up for me?

Drake: Ah, say no more. I know what you want, let's a go!

Drake phased through the wall laughing maniacally.

Drake: *muffled* Heykidswanttoseeadeadbody?!

Y/N heard multiple screams as he exited the room and walked down the hall. Only to see Ozpin covered in a layer of whipped cream.

Y/N: A little too much whipped cream for you cocoa, Headmaster?

Ozpin: I walked into the elevator, and on my way down it just plopped right on top of me... And my cocoa.

Y/N: Well sir, just watch out for other pranks.

Drake appeared between them, phasing through the floor, with only his head showing.

Drake: Yeah, cause I already got you with my phasing.

Ozpin: Can you please refrain yourself?

Drake: You're such a party pooper you crusty dusty dinosaur.

Ozpin: I'm just going to assume that was an insult.

Drake: Hey, at least I used whole milk whipped cream.

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