Rise and Shine

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Avery's POV:

I rolled around and pulled the soft covers over my neck. Someone opened the bedroom door, and started shuffling around the room. I heard the unknown person start whispering to Hermione. I recognized the voice to be Ginny. The scent of warm coffee and fresh citrus hit my nose as it wafted up the stairs and flowed into the room. It must be morning I thought to myself. I had no desire to leave the coziness of my cot and decided I should just continue to sleep until someone came to wake me. It didn't last as long as I wished.

"RISE AND SHINE GIRLS" shouted Fred and George. There's never a moment of rest when they are around, but I can't really complain. While I thoroughly enjoy their humor, the slightest thread was holding me back from standing up and thumping both of them over the head with my pillow. I just wanted to sleep.

"I was trying to wake them up calmly!" Ginny exclaimed. "Not everyone likes to be woken up with shouting." I sat up and rub my eyes until I could see clearly. The room was slightly cold but still pretty cozy. That's what I loved about the burrow. It felt so homey and there was never a moment where I felt unwelcome or uncomfortable. I look around the room to see Ginny helping Hermione get up. I turn and see that somehow, through all the yelling, Olivia was still asleep on her fold-out cot next to me.

The twins realized she had still been sleeping and started approaching her. I already knew what was going to happen. SMASH. Fred and George jumped on top of her cot and attempted to start tickling her, but right as they landed the cot's leg snapped and all three of them were on the ground. Three bodies were tumbling around and curses were being thrown by Olivia.

"YOU DIMWITS I CAN'T GET A MOMENT OF PEACEFUL SLEEP IN THIS HOUSE WITH YOU GUYS" Olivia exclaimed while still trying to escape the tickle attacks. "You're no fun!" George said as he pulled himself off the ground and helped Fred up. "Yeah, we were only joking around Liv. You look funny when you're angry." Fred snickered.

"Oh I oughta get off the floor and knock both of you guys in the shins." Liv said, now a lot calmer and awake. Everyone in the room giggled and the boys helped Liv off the ground. I finally got my self up and out of the cot. The twins left the room and all of us threw our clothes on and got ready quickly. I headed out of the room and towards the bathroom while the others headed towards the stairs. I saw Hermione split from the group and start towards the boys room.

Good luck Ron and Harry I thought to myself as I walked into the bathroom. A couple seconds later while washing my face I heard shouting. "Wake up! Wake up Ronald! Come on Harry get up and get dressed, both of you! And don't go back to sleep! Come on, breakfast is ready!" I heard Hermione shout at the boys. I dried my face and headed out of the bathroom. Hermione and I ended up at the top of the stairs around the same time and started down to the kitchen. "Those boys I swear" Hermione said with a grin while shaking her head.

We made it to the kitchen and the smell of coffee got stronger. I walked over to the window by the table and looked out through the trees. The burrow was so calm and secluded. I hadn't previously noticed how early it was, but the sun was barely peaking over the horizon. Cold dew still sat on the tops of the grass and the song birds were singing their best melodies. I joined everyone at the table and started to fill my tummy.

"Good morning girls!" Mr. Weasley chuckled. He was clearly excited to be awake. "Did you guys arrive this morning?" he asked. "No we actually all arrived pretty late last night." Hermione explained, "My mother had some trouble when we went to go pick up Avery and Olivia, so we showed up a bit later than expected." Creaking came from the stairs as Ron and Harry finally made their way down to the Kitchen. "Hurry up and grab something boys, we'll need to be leaving soon. Can't keep them waiting." Mr. Weasley said.

"Keep who waiting?" Ginny asked, but her father and the twins had already begun a conversation about who was going to win the Quidditch World Cup. She looked over at us with a questioning look and we all shrugged.

I really did wonder who Mr. Weasley was talking about, but I didn't have much time to think. Before I knew it, we had to leave. I took one last bite of my jammed toast and finished off my mug of warm coffee before standing up and grabbing my backpack from the ground. Everyone scurried to make sure they had all that they needed and the room became loud with noises of zippers and frantic whispers.

"Let's get this group on the road shall we?" Mr. Weasley exclaimed while clapping his hands together. And with that everyone followed him out the door, dragging their tired feet and slouching at the weight of their overpacked bags.

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