First Day of School

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After everyone got off the train, I met back up with Harry, Ron, and Hermione. We headed towards the great hall for the "Start of Term" feast. I was genuinely excited for this part. I love the food at Hogwarts, especially because there is plenty of options. I'm not a super picky eater, but I enjoy having multiple choices when it comes to my meals. I was mostly looking forward to the roasted potatoes and a lemon tart for dessert. 

When we first arrived, Dumbledore introduced us to the two other schools joining us for the tri-wizard tournament and went over all the rules for participating. I didn't pay much attention, seeing that neither me or my friends were old enough to participate. 

The sorting of the first years went by rather quickly and the feast began. Hermione and I discussed what classes we were taking and how excited we were to to start the school year. The feast was extravagant and the great hall was looking as beautiful as ever. Candles floated around the ceiling and flickered. Lightning struck on the dark cloudy ceiling, reflecting the weather outside. The Great Hall was alive with excitement and full of happy conversation made by students, new and old. 

I looked around the hall, spotting familiar faces and observing the new ones. I spotted a particular brown haired friend across the way, who was already looking my direction. Cedric smiled and gave me a little wave. A dark-haired girl walked up behind him and wrapped her arms around his neck. She leaned down and gave him a peck on the cheek. His face went red and he quickly looked away from me.

"Well that's odd.", I muttered under my breath.

"What's odd?", Harry leaned towards me and whispered back.

"Oh nothing", I said slightly looking down, as my smile dropped.

"You know, you've never been a very convincing liar Ave," Harry met my eyes and gave me a friendly smile, "but if you don't want to talk about it, that's okay."

He reached up and rubbed my head, leaning it against his shoulder. I looked across the table and watched as Ron shoved his face full with food and Hermione gave him concerned glances. My smile returned to my face.

"Are those sausages good??", I asked Ron sarcastically, laughing as I asked the question.

Hermione and Harry laughed with me and Ron's face quickly went red. His cheeks were full of food, like a chipmunks.

"Yeah, if someone were to see you eating like that on the street, they'd probably think your mum never feeds you", Harry added.

Hermione started to laugh harder and snorted, sending us all into a panic of laughter. Ron almost choked on his food and I could start to feel my stomach hurt from laughing so hard. The rest of the feast went by and eventually everyone got up and headed to their rooms, ready to unpack their trunks and prepare for the first day of classes tomorrow. 

The rooms in our tower had been redone for the older students, so now fourth years only had to share a space with one other student. Me and Hermione chose to bunk together and headed to our room. The space was pretty and there was plenty of room for both of us. In between the beds there was a large window with stained glass at the top. It reflected dark greens and blues onto the floor. The rain outside was still coming down and hit the window with little taps. I unpacked my trunk and set my stuff on my bedside table. After I had gotten my area of the room set up, I decided to head back to the common room.

The trio and I stayed up for a bit, enjoying the fire and listening to the rain hit the windows in the common room. Harry and Ron were battling in a game of wizard's chess and Hermione was already halfway through one of the books we needed for herbology. We all headed up to bed before it got too late, not wanting to be tired for our classes the next day.

In the morning, I woke up late and ran to breakfast, hoping I could scarf something down before my potions lesson. I got to class late by a few minutes and was hoping I could slide into the back without any of the other students noticing. When I arrived there was an empty table in the back, so I quickly sat and pulled out a piece of parchment along with my ink and quill set. 

"Detention for you Ackerman. Friday at 4. Thinking you could sneak into class late on the first day. What a shame", Snape said, not even looking up from his desk. A couple students looked back at me and Hermione frowned. 

"I'm sorry", she mouthed silently.

Assuming she meant for not waking me up, I shrugged back and shook my head, letting her know it was alright. Detention shouldn't even be bad, especially by my self. The most I'll have to worry about is being bored. Plus, getting to class late meant I got to sit by myself, the seat next to me in the back, still empty.

I heard the door open again, but didn't take the time to turn around. I did not really care who was entering or exiting the classroom. 

"Detention for you Malfoy," Snapes voiced drawled, "Friday at 4. It seems no one thinks their schedule is important today. What a shame", he said again shaking his head, still not looking up from the work on his desk. 

Malfoy. Detention with Malfoy. I think I'm actually going to die right now.

"So are you going to take a seat, or are you going to continue standing at the back of the class like a nuisance?", Snape snapped.

"But sir-"


I felt a presence behind me and someone took the seat on my right. Malfoy looked at me with a sour face. He didn't know I had detention on Friday as well. 

I leaned over and whispered low enough for Snape to not hear me.

"Were you actually going to complain about having to sit next to me. How pathetic. I know you hate me, but I can't be that intolerable", I said slyly.

"Shut up Ackerman. I can make this class hell for you if you'd like", he retorted with irritation in his voice.

"Honestly, I don't think it could get any worse. Especially knowing I have to spend detention with you on Friday."

"You have detention too?! That's absolutely wonderful"

"Oh don't worry, I'm not looking forward to it anymore than you are Malfoy"

A wand smacked down on the desk in front of us along with a hand. I followed the arm up to a very angry Snape.

"Clearly you two don't feel the need to follow any rules today. Forget about just Friday. You two will be serving detention with me throughout the weekend!", Snape stated, clearly upset that we hadn't been focused in class. 

"Bloody hell", Malfoy exhaled.

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