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Snape explained after class that Malfoy and I would be helping him re-organize his ingredient pantry on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. After that I headed to lunch in the great hall, eager to tell Harry about my awful morning.

"Detention all weekend?? On the first week of school? I'm so sorry Avery. Snape can be such an ass." Harry exclaimed after I told him everything that happened.

"Honestly, it's fine. I shouldn't have been late, especially with it being the first day of term."

"Still sucks though. Detention with Malfoy, three days in a row. I think I'd curse myself." Harry laughed and shook his head, returning his focus back to the soup in front of him..

Harry was there for me whenever I needed him. Growing up, I'd never had an older sibling, but when Harry and I became close, I felt as though I had gained a brother and a best friend in one. He's always been by my side, especially when it comes to Malfoy's attacks or pretty much anyone that might pose a threat to me.

We spent the rest of lunch discussing Harry's experience with his first class and how much we were dreading the next. Neither of us had ever been the biggest fans of history. Plus, Professor Bins could put someone that had just chugged three energy drinks to sleep. We headed to History of Magic while chatting about quidditch and I forgot about the awful weekend ahead of me.

The rest of the school week passed pretty quickly. Classes came and went like a breeze and students were getting more acquainted with each other. I didn't make many new friends, because most of us have been going to school and living together for the past three years. Everyone knew who they got along with and pretty much stuck to their groups. I saw Cedric throughout the halls everyone once in a while, but he never made a big effort to converse with me.

The weather had been amazing and full of rain. Many people would consider that a gloomy week, but I love the rain. My favorite times are spent next to a window reading, while rain hits the glass, or out on a walk while it's sprinkling.

But it's Friday now. My classes are over for the week which means I should be headed to the common room, relaxing in a cozy corner chair and listening to Hermione and Ron bicker innocently over something while I help Harry study. Instead I'm headed down to the dungeons, preparing myself to face Malfoy and survive my first detention with Snape.

Snape's class was dimly lit when I walked in, candles around the perimeter of the room. A big window on the back wall casted green shadows on the floor from the great lake.

"I see you've finally made it, and on time too. If only you could show up on time to class." Snape said towards me with a shameful tone. "Malfoy is already in the pantry. He'll explain the job to you."

"Okay Professor, thank you." I replied.

I walked towards the potions pantry and pushed the door open.

"Woah" I whispered.

The room was much bigger than I had expected. Never being in the pantry before this, I had expected a small walk in room with a few shelves and some ingredients. The Potions Pantry had multiple shelves and rows, almost like a small library.

"Don't let your mouth hang open for too long, Ackerman. Wouldn't want those big teeth to escape your mouth." I walked forward past the first row and turned to see Malfoy sitting on a small stool, jars sitting on the floor in front of him.

"Pleasure seeing you too, Malfoy." I retorted sarcastically. "So what exactly are we supposed to be doing here? Snape told me you would give me instructions."

"I get to tell you what to do?"

"No. You get to tell me what Snape told us to do. Do not get that twisted in the slightest."

"You're no fun, Ackerman. I'm actually in a good mood today and you seem to be ruining it."

"I really could care less about your mood. You know that neither of us want to be here. Just tell me what we're supposed to do so we can finish the job and get out of here."

"Well since you're so persistent." Malfoy pushed himself to his feet and stood. Only then I noticed how close I was to him. The way he towered over me. I quickly stepped back.

Draco turned and gestured towards the shelves of ingredients.

"Snape wants us to go through his whole collection and reorganize it by the location it's derived from along with putting everything in alphabetical order. We were also instructed to get rid of anything past expiration, that way nobody gets ingredients that will no longer work. "

"You have got to be kidding me. This is going to take forever."

"Yeah especially because I have to do it with you."

"You're not my first choice of company either. Let's just get this done so we can leave."

I walked up to the first shelf and started looking for expired dates, so that I could get those jars out of the way. Malfoy stayed on the other side of the aisle and did the same. Soon enough the garbage can started to fill up, and the shelf we were working on looked a little less intimidating. I finished up on my side and walked around to the side he was working on.

"Geez Ackerman, I can't tell if that awful smell is the bad potion ingredients or just you." Malfoy scrunched up his nose and gave me a nasty look.

"You are so immature. Like honestly."

"Immature? At Least I know how to shower."

"Clearly you don't, because this pantry has smelled ever since you stepped inside."

"You are such a liar! That is clearly the overflowing rubbish bin that we've just filled with expired ingredients."

"Whatever you want to tell yourself."

"Oh just shut it. You're getting on my last ner-"

Snape walked into the pantry and we both went quiet.

"I think that's enough for tonight. If I have to listen to another word of bickering, I might just curse myself."

Malfoy stood and we both walked towards the door gathering our bags and exciting the classroom. Malfoy turned left towards his common room and I took a right, headed for the stairs up.

"See you tomorrow, Ackerman. And please take a shower beforehand!" Malfoy shouted down the hall.

I didn't even want to give him the satisfaction of me replying so I continued walking silently and let out a deep breath. I'm glad that's finally over. Now I just have to survive tomorrow and Sunday. 

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