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My eyes open to the warm sun on my face and birds chirping outside of my window. The storm must have passed last night. I roll over my bed and rub my eyes, trying to adjust to the light.

After last night and my run in with Draco I haven't seen anyone. I heard Harry come into my room to check on me, but I was pretty much asleep and didn't have the energy to say anything to him. I should talk to him this morning.

I get up, quickly dressing for my classes and head down to the common room, where Harry is standing, facing the window. Other than him, the common room is bare.

"Hey, Harry." I say, my voice quieter than I anticipated.

He turns and his eye is purple, complimenting a small cut on his bottom lip.

"Oh my gosh," I rush towards him, taking his face in my hands, "Harry I'm-"

"You don't need to say anything Avery, I'm fine. Trust me, Cedric looks way worse." A breathy laugh leaves his mouth and he pulls my hands off of his face, holding them for a second. His gaze returns to the window. "Cedric was completely out of pocket for what he said and did to you. He deserved everything that he got from me."

I'm speechless, but I agree. We sit in silence for a moment.

"Thank you." That's all I can muster up. I feel awful that Harry got hurt, but also so grateful to know I have someone that cares about me so much they would stand up for me like that.

Harry pulls me into a hug and rubs the back of my head with his hand.

"I'm sorry Ave. Cedric is a real prick for what he did to you."

"It's my fault honestly. You and Hermione warned me. I guess I'm just blinded by always trying to see the good in people. I'll really grieve the friendship I built with him, but I can't see myself talking to him anymore."

"I'm glad you feel that way. I really didn't want to have to say I told you so."

I push back from Harry.

"There you are! I knew you were being nice for too long." I laugh and swing for his arm but miss.

"Yeah , yeah anyway. I was meaning to ask, but where did you go last night? I was so worried after I was done with Cedric and you were gone."

"I had a little episode with my breathing.." A lot worse than little. "And I..." I hesitate to tell Harry the truth because I'm really not wanting to answer questions about what happened. I'm not even so sure what happened myself.

"It was all a blur, but I was fine, really." I replied quickly, trying to sound as convincing as possible.

"Oookay." Harry says not sounding too convinced, but I can tell that he picks up on me not really wanting to talk about it right now. "Let's go get breakfast before classes start. I have the first task tomorrow, remember? I've got a lot to prepare for today." he groans, a scared look growing in his eyes.

"Bloody hell, how did I forget."

This year our school is hosting the Triwizard tournament, which is why we have students from Beauxbatons and Durstrang here. I hadn't forgotten that Harry was mysteriously chosen and was now one of the four competitors, but I didn't know the first task would be so soon. Now I've got another thing to worry about.

"Get out of your head Avery, let's go eat."

Breakfast was good, after the long night beforehand. I ate a ton of bacon and an assortment of the fresh fruit they cut up for today. Just looking around the common room I could spot people with their heads in their hands, definitely hungover from yesterday. "Imagine being dull enough to get hammered on a school night." Hermione had said. While scanning the room, my eyes landed on Cedric. The dark haired girl, who I now know is Cho, is sitting on his right, laughing louder than the whole great hall combined. He meets me gaze and I avert mine immediately. My eyes reach the end of the room, only to find Draco, but when I see him he is already looking at me. I immediately look away. This morning is so weird.

I finished up my food and attended my classes. It honestly all went by pretty fast, and I have no major complaint, especially after how bad last night went. I still can't believe that happened. Good thing I don't plan on talking to Cedric or Draco anytime soon.

I'm heading down the hall towards the Gryffindor common room. The sun peers through the windows and lights up the stained glass, colors dancing on the floors. Students huddle by the doors to the courtyards and giggle, enjoying the weather after all the recent rain we've been having.

I'm almost down the hall when someone taps my shoulder. I turn and it's Cedric, standing there with a worried look on his face. Great, what does he want now? Hasn't he given me enough trouble already?

"Ave, about last night-" he starts but is cut off by a voice coming from behind me.

"Ackermann, I need to talk to you right now." A deep, drawling voice. Draco's voice.

Malfoy grabs my arm and pulls me down the hall and around the next corner, where he quickly releases me.

"What was-" I begin to question but again he interrupts. He must love doing that.

"Don't mention it. In return for my most gracious actions, I expect you to meet me in the astronomy tower again tonight. The exam is tomorrow and I fear my knowledge is still not up to par." Draco interjects and fills every word with confidence, as if he's not the one asking for help.


"9 o'clock works for me, like last time."

"That works for me too. About last night, Draco-"

"You don't need to mention it. I know how to handle those situations. You're lucky I was there." He says firm, as if he's holding something back. "I'll see you later. Try not to oversleep this time", he adds in quickly and walks past me. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22 ⏰

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