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I am running through the corridors now, looking for anywhere, literally anywhere I can sit down in private and recollect myself before I pass out from my blood pressure. I will not allow myself to faint in these halls. That would be so embarrassing. I would probably never show my face at school again.

I spot a classroom at the end of the hall that I know people normally just use to study and hang out because it has a beautiful view of the lake. I doubt anyone would be in there this late, so that's perfect.

The door slides open easily and I'm minorly surprised. The classroom is dark and cold. This is perfect, but my heart is still racing and I can't see too well. My ears are completely shot, and all I can hear is the high pitched ringing from my blood pressure. I turn around, shutting the door quietly and turn to someone standing right behind me. I jump, startled and intake a fast breath.

"Acker-" But I don't hear the rest. My ears ring at a pitch three times higher than before, and the pins and needles spread up my legs and fingers, hitting my stomach with a punch. My already darkened vision is completely blurred and unconsciousness sweeps me off my feet. Great.

I blink once. My head is pounding. I blink a few more times. I'm laying on something hard and cold. This is not comfortable for the back of my head. A blurry mass is leaning over me and I feel something grab my wrist gently. Cold fingers press to my pulse. Harry? It looks like a larger figure, but my eyes are closed again. The feeling of having them open for too long is killing my head. My stomach is so unsettled and my heart is still racing. I blink a few more times, unblurring my vision and the figure is not completely in view.


I sit up, way faster than I should have, especially in my already capacitated condition, and my heart rate spikes again.

"Woah, woah, hey you need to watch yourself." he speaks, but his voice still sounds distant. My ears are still ringing.

I'm still sitting, but crawling back on my arms. I crawl further and further until my back presses against a wall. I lean my head back, feeling the cold stone behind me. I am freaking out. Why is Draco here with me? I thought I was alone. This is ten times more embarrassing.

I close my eyes again, the thoughts overwhelming me. I still don't feel as though I can catch my breath and it's causing my heart rate to increase. My vision darkens again but I'm fighting it. This is the worst feeling in the world. I need to-

Draco steps towards me. A few more steps and he's in front of me, crouching and pulling off his suit overcoat.

Draco is studying my face now. He almost looks concerned in a way. Like maybe even upset that I'm upset. The way his grey eyes study me feels almost intrusive. He leans toward me now and the scent of cologne hits my nose. He reaches, and with one hand grabs my wrist, feeling for a pulse again. His other hand reaches up and cups the side of my face. Can he tell that I'm in and out of consciousness?

"Hey, look at me. I'm not going anywhere." His grip tights around my face slightly.

My vision goes black again and all I can hear is my pulse in my ears. My head falls to the side. What feels like seconds later my eyes reopen and I'm still here; still stuck in this awful situation. He is still in front of me.

He is so close that I feel as if he can see through my skin and pick out all my insecurities: he could reach through the cracks and look at my imperfections on a microscopic level. His gaze travels from my eyes, to my ears, making its way to my hair. His hand is still holding the side of my face, pinning me to reality and the sanity I had lost just a few minutes before. My mind drifts back to Cedric and the kiss in the common room. It's almost as if Draco knows what I'm thinking about immediately. Can he see the thoughts flowing through my brain like water in a torrential river, spilling out of my ears and eyes, and soaking me all over?

"Stop," His voice stern and breaking the silence in the room only previously filled by our breaths and my crying, "Breathe." The water calms, and the flow ebbs. I take a deep breath, filling my lungs with the cold air that occupies the room.

My mind returns to the present. I close my eyes and take a few more deep breaths, reopening them to his gaze.

His grip on the side of my face loosens and his arm falls a bit more, balancing on my knee. I feel his fingers do a singular trace around the shell of my ear, pushing my hair back and his hand rests on my neck. He's still crouched in front of me, his vast body taking up the perfect amount of space. Making me feel secure and stable again. He's looking at me as though he's never really seen me before. My face is still warm from crying and I know my eyelashes are clumped from tears. He's probably repulsed by how much of a mess I look right now. I'm too calm to care, when his gaze drifts back from my eyes to my lips.

"Draco, I-"

He blinks, almost as if coming back down to earth and immediately drops his hand, standing up. The cold of his absence greets me almost immediately and it feels odd to say but I wish he were still crouched next to me.

Draco turns and walks briskly towards the door, stopping right before he exits. He turns and looks at me, almost as if to say something, but decides against it and walks out without another word.

The feelings that I am feeling right now do not make sense. Why am I upset that Draco is gone. The Draco that I have just recently started to tolerate?

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