A Snowday To Be Remembered

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   "Just enjoy the snow, Tomathy.. Enjoy the snow today, worry later." Dream commanded him, and so Tommy listened. He looked down, and found Wilbur trying to toss a snowball at him, while Techno was having a snowball fight with kids who wanted to learn to fight, their parents said they couldn't use weapons, so Techno used snowballs instead. No one had hit Techno yet, but they were all kids..

Tommy gathered snow from the banister he held onto, and dropped it down onto Wilbur. "HEY! NO FAIR!" Wilbur yelled up, laughing. Tommy went into his room, changed into some warmer clothes, and ran down. He grabbed a handful of snow as soon as he could, and threw it at Techno as he was distracted by the kids. "GOD DAMNIT TOMMY!!" Techno screamed, looking back at Tommy. As Tencho yelled at Tommy, the children took their chance and pelted him with snowballs. Tommy pointed and laughed at Techno, as he closed his eyes from the laughter, Wilbur started to attack him with so many snowballs, he fell over! They were all having so much fun, it was as if there were nothing to worry of, no journey coming in a week.. Nothing bad had happened.

Atleast, the boys felt such way. Up in the castle tower, Phil was writing notes to the kingdoms near, apologizing, as he blamed himself and Techno for the murder.. He also had stacks of books, trying to figure out what happened to Tommy that day.. Trying to figure out what the punishment for the king's may be, and watching his kingdom's surroundings for any coming "warnings", or realistically, assassins.. Phil noticed the snow, and added to what he had to research. He knew Techno was willing to help, but Phil told him to take the day off. Phil was king, not Techno.. Though the way he spoke to Phil, you'd never realize he was the one working for Phil.

"Tomathy, are we friends?" Dream asked Tommy, Tommy didn't know what to do, he couldn't speak out loud, the others would wonder.. "Just think.. I can hear your thoughts, Tomathy." Dream explained to Tommy.. I guess we are.. If you want to be friends. Tommy answered, he wasn't quite sure.. Were they friends? Dream just replied with a quiet, "hm." As if considering whether Tommy's words were a truth or lie. I'm sorry.. I don't know how I feel. Tommy thought moments later.. He honestly didn't..

"Oh. ..You still don't trust me?" Dream asked, the smile on his face looking so out of place.. I don't know.. Tommy thought back, what else would he say? What else could he say? He was talking to the emperor.. The man controlling all kingdoms.. The man who practically had control over the whole world. "I'll leave you alone.. Clearly you don't know what you're thinking." Dream snapped, almost threatening. Tommy didn't understand.. Why did he care so much? Did he need Tommy? What could make an emperor want to befriend a prince like Tommy.. Maybe Techno, or Phil, that he'd understand.. Even Wilbur, but why Tommy? Techno was a blood god.. Phil was the angel of death.. Though no powers, Wilbur was the heir to the throne.. But Tommy, he was nothing special.. He had very few things that were valuable..

Tommy was lost in his thoughts, when suddenly a hand on his shoulder snapped him back to reality. Tommy hit the one behind him straight in the nose.. Before realizing it was Technoblade. "Sorry Techno.." Tommy apologized, before seeing the look on Techno's face.. He didn't look hurt, but.. Determined. "Tommy." Techno said, in a voice close to a whisper. "You were talking to yourself last night.." Techno explained, and Tommy knew right away, he was fucked. "You can't tell him, Tomathy.. He won't believe you." Dream commanded Tommy, but Tommy had to tell him.. It was Techno.

"There's a voice-" Tommy started, before the terrain around him, and everyone that was near, disappeared.. He was in a black area.. It was completely.. Black. "Tomathy." The familiar voice of Dream boomed.. But- it was distorted.. As if a demon.. "You didn't listen." "HE' S LIKE MY BROTHER!!" "I don't care.. I'm the one you should listen to.." "I- I-" "I'll send you back to your world.. But don't make me regret this, Tomathy." And just like that, Tommy was back. "I.. I don't know what it was, Sorry Techno.." Tommy lied, too scared to say it. He made it snow, he invaded Tommy's mind, he trapped Tommy in his own mind for moments.. How could he possibly disobey Dream after seeing his power?

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