A Dull Day, For A Damaged Kingdom

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As Phil, Wilbur, and Techno got to the gate of their kingdom, they could see an awaiting kingdom. It only took moments before a young girl asked a question all three of the returning royals wanted to avoid with all their heart.. "Where's prince Tommy?" The young girl asked, with wide eyes.

The rest of the crowd started to ask questions like such as well.. And the King could feel the stress that radiated through the crowd. "Please, Please, everyone, calm yourselves. All questions will be answered at a kingdom gathering around sunset. We will be answering anything you may wonder." Phil said, and with that, the crowd moved along, letting them pass through on the cobble path leading to their own castle.

As they all reached the castle, they got up from their horses, and Techno led the horses to the stables, while the two grabbed their bags, and one of Tommy's bags each, walking to the inside of the castle.

"Three months.." Phil repeated to himself, remembering the emperor's words.. "Can't we do ANYTHING about this, Father?!" Wilbur asked impatiently, still worrying for Tommy. "If we want to live.. I'm afraid not." Phil sighed, wishing he could do more.

As Techno came inside, he seemed to have something on his mind. "Phil, may I speak to you.. Privately?" Techno asked, motioning for Phil to follow him to a side room. "Alright.." Phil was confused, but trusted Techno. He always trusted him.

"What's on your mind, Technomate?" Phil asked as he closed the door. "Do you remember your last wife.. Kristen?" Techno asked, now starting to pace. "Yeah.. The one that ran off after Tommy was born.. I remember her." Phil spoke about her badly often, still bitter about the fact she left only a week after she gave birth to Tommy..

"She's alive. And she's immortal, Phil." Techno spoke as if unsure of his own words, causing Phil's eyes to widen. "That's not funny, Techno." "It's not a joke.. Dream told me- And he projected a vision of her to me.. She's working at a brewery here, she was afraid of losing you, not knowing you were immortal as well." Techno explained to Phil, now sounding more sure of his words.

"Well what do you expect me to do, barge in and demand to see her?!?!" Phil raised his voice, trying his best not to yell. He was already emotional from Tommy's exile, he couldn't handle this. "Look, I'm just telling you what he told me to tell you." Techno started raising his voice as well, irritated with the man.

"Is that it, then? I should be preparing myself for later." Phil spoke angrily, irritated that the fellow god would even consider raising his voice at him. "Also.. Phil.. I- I have to leave." Techno told Phil, causing the avian to puff up his wings, a sign of dominance. "Come again?" Phil turned around, facing Techno right on.

"Phil, I told you before, I was here for Thesu-" "You really are a monster, Techno. Your voices are right." Phil was completely outraged by Techno's words.. He was really leaving Wilbur and Phil in their time of need?

"Goodbye, Phil." Techno said, reaching the door before Phil could, clearly pissed at Phil's words. Techno walked straight out, not looking back or grabbing anything but his axe. He was really leaving..

"Where is Techno going, Father? I know he leaves a lot at the night but-" "Wilbur, he's leaving, because Tommy is gone." "Wh- WHAT!?!?! Is this a sick joke, Father?!?!" Wilbur was clearly shocked by Phil's words, not believing them. "I wish it were." Phil sighed, now walking to his bedroom, to change before they had to speak to the people..

Surely Wilbur heard wrong, right? Or Phil heard Techno's words wrong..? Right? Right? RIGHT?!?! Techno wouldn't leave.. He told Wilbur when he was 13, he'd never leave until Wilbur was a perfect fighter.. And while at the time, it sounded like hell, having to train with him so much, but now.. He wished he'd keep that promise.

Wilbur couldn't control it anymore, he'd been holding in tears the whole time.. Not speaking the whole trip, upset even before Tommy had to be exiled.. But he didn't say anything. Not even a single word of protest. "It's just us.." Wilbur whispered under his breath, now letting the tears fall from his eyes, his vision blurry, though he still managed to make it to his room, having the whole castle memorized, even the emergency exits.

As he got to his room, he quickly noticed the pictures he had.. Of him, Tommy, Techno, and Phil.. "I- I only have him.." Wilbur stammered, almost choking on his own tears. He stroked the picture, specifically where Tommy and Phil were.. "I- I miss you already.." Wilbur said with a slight laugh.

Then.. He heard crashing. He heard yelling.. And worst of all- A knock..




That's all Wilbur could think.. "No.." It was the same knock he got the day he found out his mother left.. The same knock he got finding out he had to train with Techno.. The same knock- That just told him his father left..

"Sire Wilbur.. I'm afraid that we have to say-" A maid started, holding in her own fear, "Your.. Your father left.. Meaning- You.. You have to become king.." She finished, stuttering a bit. "H- He.. He left me.. All alone..?" Wilbur asked, still crying, a look of pure betrayal in his eyes..

All the broken promises of his family.. Tommy, "I'll stay with you until I'm king!" Techno, "Until you can fully protect your family, and your kingdom.. We'll be training at least 3 times a week." And- And Phil.. "Don't worry mate, I'll be by your side until you're ready to take over."

Tears were pouring down his face, his cheeks were puffy, already sore.. He couldn't believe it.. His brother was taken away.. His other brother left.. And his father ran- Leaving a broken boy.. To fill the chair of the king. "Sire, Sunset is approaching quickly, as well.. I- I have to suggest you prepare to speak to your kingdom.."

Those words- Those.. Horrible.. Words.. 'Your kingdom..' "A- Alright.. T- Thank.. Thank you.. Ma'am.." Wilbur said with a sigh, wiping the tears from his eyes..

The maid walked off, leaving Wilbur in his room alone. He looked over his room.. The paintings his mother made for him.. The guitar his father bought him.. The axe Techno forced Wilbur to own.. And then.. The most valuable thing to him-

A music box. That Tommy saved up three years to get Wilbur for Christmas.. All of the items had such happy stories behind them- Before he lost everyone.. All alone.

"SIRE!! THERE IS SOMEONE WHO WISHES TO SEE YOU!!" A guard yelled, and Wilbur quickly put a royal suit on, as he'd previously been wearing a jacket, and quickly got downstairs. Wilbur was certain his eyes played tricks on him, when he saw the woman..

"Wilbur-" "M- MOM?!?" Wilbur exclaimed, running over and hugging the woman, tears falling from his eyes. "I'm so sorry I left, Will.. I- I didn't want to hurt you all.. I didn't want to be hurt without you.." She spoke softly, the voice Wilbur remembered.. The voice that sang him to sleep until she left.. The voice that taught him so many songs.. And best of all, the voice that came back to him in his time of desperate need..

"W- What do you mean mom..?" "Will, I'm immortal.. Like your father- Or that hybrid piglin.. I didn't know they were immortal until after I left- and even then.. It had been years- They wouldn't have let me back, Wilbur.. I'm so sorry-" "I love you.." Wilbur told her, hugging tighter.

She had a slightly shocked expression for a moment, before smiling. "I love you too, Will.. I promise I'll stay until you're ready for me to go.." Despite how many times promises like that were broken, just in that one day, Wilbur found he trusted it. He found comfort in it.. Whether it would be days.. Weeks.. Months.. Years.. Or until he died.. Or maybe she'd leave as he slept.. As long as he had her now, that's all he cared..

"You'll be an amazing king.." She whispered into his ear, stroking his hair softly with one hand, the other around him, still hugging him. "I will be.." He smiled with his words, feelings safe for once.. Feeling.. Loved.. Like the rest of the world could be burning outside, and he was perfectly fine.. It made him feel like he was all that mattered.  

Not an everyday fairytale, not a fairytale at all (DISCONTINUED)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz