The Trail Begins

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"That's all you have to say to me, Techno? After years, you only have that to ask me?" Dream glared at Techno, their eyes locked. Green on red, god against god.. "Gods be damned, your still as annoying as ever." Dream laughed, ending his glare. "Well, are you?" Techno asked, referring to his past question. "Yes, Techno." He answered, the smile never leaving. "Now, that's not why you're here, is it?" The emperor asked, now speaking loudly, as a king would at a trail. "I noticed that a lot of you have gone past the walls, have you not?" He eyed them all, possibly thinking of consequences, until.. He came to Tommy.

"Hmm.." The emperor said, nothing else, just Hmm.. Looking around, the people there weren't even dressed as if the emperor and his trusted followers, they looked as if commoners. One had brown hair, a blue and red shirt, and some white-rimmed glasses. Another had black hair, orange eyes, and a white shirt, with a flame on it. But Dream, the emperor himself, looked even more odd.. He simply wore a green hoodie.. The room was made of a white material, perhaps marble? No, it looked better than Marble, it was.. Quartz? Quartz was a hard material to come by, and a whole building out of it- Only one with weeks worth of time could do that.. Unless, a god, of course.

The emperor's gaze focused on Tommy, and then he spoke, "You have a choice. Either each of you suffer your own consequences, most likely very painful, or.." He stopped, his smile the widest Tommy had seen it.. It was so wide, looking almost.. Unnatural.. No human being could have a smile that wide, nor could a god.. Right? "Tomathy is exiled for.. let's say 3 months, five or take, and no one else is punished." The emperor finished, and most of them were shocked. "You can discuss your optio-" The emperor started, before Techno threw a dagger at him, just barely missing. "He's not being exiled." Techno said immediately, certain of his words. "As I was saying.." the emperor said, now in a threatening voice. "You can discuss your options, while I speak with Techno.." and suddenly, both gods were gone.. Leaving the royals to discuss their options.

"Tommy, it's your call." Phil said, no hesitation, and the rest seemed to agree. "I- I.." Tommy started, thinking through his answer. You promise nothing will happen to me during exile? Tommy asked Dream through his thoughts, and an answer was given. "I promise, Tommy." And Tommy knew his answer. "I'll be exiled." Tommy answered, and everyone was shocked. "Tommy, are you sure?!? That man he's not-'' Tubbo started, just for Tommy to cut him off "I'm certain." The argument was over, and so no one dared to argue. "Bad, do you know him?" Tommy asked, wondering how he knew his name was Dream.. "I used to.." Bad admitted "B- But that was a long time ago! And I didn't know he was a god.. Nor that he was the emperor.." "He's a heartless monster." Tubbo interjected, his eyes still a shade of green.. "He wasn't always this way Tubbo-" "YEAH! HE WAS WORSE!" Tubbo yelled, not caring how loud he was. "What do you mean..?" "He's the one who fucking hurt Lani. He's the one who hurt me!!" Tubbo yelled, tears building up in his eyes

No.. You can't cry, Not now Tubbo.. Tubbo thought to himself, forcing the tears back in. "W- what?!?" Bad exclaimed, clearly not knowing such thing.. But before the conversation ended, The emperor and Techno returned. "So, have you decided?" The emperor asked, still focusing on Tommy. "I.. I will be exiled." Tommy said, and even though he was certain, his voice was still shaky, his heart still pumping faster and louder, his mouth feeling empty after such words left, but that was it. "Smart choice." The emperor said, and suddenly.. Tommy heard a loud, ringing, alarming, screaming, sound inside his ears, his vision starting to blur.. "what's- what's- what's happe-" Tommy tried to say, before he ended up not seeing anything. He tried covering his ears, but the sounds were only louder. Soon enough, he was out cold.

Everyone watching it, observing, it was.. It looked.. It had to be horrible. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM?!?" Techno yelled at Dream, only making his smile bigger. "He'll be fine.." Dream lied, his smile getting bigger by the second. "HE CAN'T HANDLE IT DREAM!! HE'S STILL JUST A HUMAN!!" Techno yelled at Dream, who sat on his throne, Techno standing beside it. Dream's smile had started to fade a bit.. Still a smile, but not as wide. "He's a what now?" Dream said, looking shocked, staring at Techno. "He's still human.. He hasn't advanced yet, Dream." Techno said, now calmer. "Kill him.. BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!!" voices chanted in Technos head, some yells, some whispers.

That's a suicide mission. Techno thought back, trying to yell in his mind. "Blood for the blood god!! BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!!" The voices still chanted, not giving in to Technos words.

Dream had snapped his fingers, and suddenly all the royals, as well as Niki, were gone. It was so simple.. So short.. But they knew it wasn't truly over. It wouldn't be over until Tommy was back, at least not for Phil, Wilbur, Tubbo, Techno, not even for Ranboo.. Tommy hated Ranboo, though Ranboo still cared for him.

Techno was still there, though. Dream still had more to say. "I can stop the voices, you kno-" "No. They're a part of me, and you know that. I'm not giving up my strength for some silence." "You might regret that soon, they're getting stronger, you know." "No. No, Dream." "I could tell you the god who's doing it.." Dream offered, and Techno was shocked, though indecisive.

"What are you trying to get from this?" Techno asked immediately, knowing damn well that Dream never did anything simply to be a help. "We're friends.. Aren't we, Techno?" Dream asked, his smile now desperate, not wicked, not humble, not insane, just desperate, as if a fake smile. "No. We, We.. We aren't friends." Techno insisted, as he had always done. Dream always said they were friends, but Techno would never believe it.

"Oh. Well.. Then I guess you aren't interested in a friendly.. Offer." Dream said, smirking. He always smiled, sometimes a smile wider than you could even imagine.. But the little smirk- The tiniest smirk.. Was his most threatening facial expression. "What do you mean by that.. Dream?" Techno quickly asked, starting to worry.

"You and I both know Tommy's going to die, don't we?" Dream asked, still smirking. "Yeah, no shit sherlock." "Well.. What if.. I gave him three chances to live..?" Dream asked, the smirk growing a bit bigger. "..What do I have to do.." Techno sighed, after a moment.

"Work for me. As a warrior. Only for 1 year, and Tommy gets 3 lives. He won't live forever, like you would.. But he'll last longer." Dream told Techno, adding the details as he knew Techno didn't want to work with him, let alone for him.. "Fine." Techno said, shocking Dream.

Not an everyday fairytale, not a fairytale at all (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now