He Puts You in Timeout (REQUEST)

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Request for @lucypetih and @katyperry77

ZAYN (8)
You were always a stubborn child and it was no surprise that you put up a fight when Zayn told you that you couldn't have any more cookies, seeing that you had eaten 6 already. "Zayn, I NEED them." You whined, striking emphasis on your necessities.

"No (y/n), you do not NEED them." Zayn argued, mocking your desire for them. You growled at him and made your best intimidating face which wasn't much help considering you were 4' 5" and were otherwise known as "cute". You screamed when Zayn smirked at you, stomped on his foot angrily, and tried to make your way to the cookies on the counter. But before you could make it, a fierce grip on your arm yanked you back and you were face to face with a fuming Zayn. While you kicked and yelled at him to let you go, he dragged you to the corner of the dining room and pushed your nose into the corner. "You're here because you stomped on my foot and you were going to get cookies after I told you not to." Zayn explained and you felt his presence leave. You groaned loudly enough for him to hear wherever he was and dawdled where the two walls met. You were bored out of your mind and hated the control Zayn had over you. You crossed your arms and turned your head back to see Zayn in the nearby kitchen, cooking dinner for you and him. "I hope I'm not seeing your face when I didn't tell you to turn around." Zayn warned, not even giving you a glance. You sighed angrily and turned back around.

After what seemed like years, Zayn came to you and told you to turn around. "You know why you were put in time out right?" He bent down to your height and you nodded, looking down at your feet.

"Because I was disrespectful and I didn't listen to you." You mumbled, anxious to get this over with.

"Good, now what do you say?"

"I'm sorry." You whispered and you were suddenly in Zayn's arms, wrapped tight in warmth and you had forgotten all about the cookies.

"(Y/n) did you make your bed like I asked?" Niall yelled up the stairs while you were playing barbies in your room. You gave a glance to your unmade bed and quickly shoved the dolls somewhere else, running to pull your sheets up. Sadly, Niall opened the door before you could get to them and gave you a frustrated look. "I only asked you to do one thing, (y/n)." He sighed and took your hand rather roughly. "And this is what happens when you don't listen to me." Niall placed you on the steps as you started to well up with tears. You had completely forgotten about making your bed and felt bad that Niall couldn't trust you with stuff anymore. "Stay here until I say so." He walked away and you combed back your hair behind your ears. While time passed slowly, you wiped your tears and fiddled with string on your shirt.

Finally, you heard footsteps coming towards you and Niall confronted you, bending down to your level. "Now are you going to make your bed when I tell you to?" He questioned you and you nodded solemnly. Niall wiped your stray tears and engulfed you in a big hug. "Don't cry love." Niall squeezed you and you nodded.

"I'm sorry Ni." You sniffled and looked to Niall for forgiveness. He smiled warmly at you.

"It's okay little one. I love you forever and always." He grinned and lifted you up on his hip, carrying you to your room.

LOUIS (10)
It was just you and Louis for the weekend, your parents and siblings all away so you two could spend time together. You knew they had a reason too and it's because you were never close with Louis the way the others were, mostly because from age 5 to now, he wasn't part of your life, always away. But now he was home you were quite happy.

It was Saturday afternoon when Louis suggested he invite his bandmates over without you knowing. Although you wouldn't have minded, you still would have preferred to know. So when you skipped merrily down stairs and into the kitchen, thinking you were alone, you were humming to a tune you had heard another time. It was around lunch hour and you decided to make a sandwich, getting the supplies out and ready. As you gripped the Nutella, it flung out of your hand and spilled all over the kitchen floor. "Fuck." You sighed, unaware that anyone was on the same floor.

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