He Takes You from Your Parents pt.6

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Third person pov.

"And the way you look tonight. With your-"

"Hawwy? Can I come out?" (Y/n) asked sweetly, peeking her head out of her brother's bathroom. Harry stopped singing and turned to her, smiling and nodding. Harry always sang that song alone, he didn't want anyone to know he liked it because he was a boy. (Y/n) trotted out of the bathroom, her new yellow Easter dress hanging loosely off her shoulders. She turned around and looked over her shoulder at Harry.

"I can't weach the zipper." She complained, surrendering herself from when she said she could "do it herself". Harry chuckled and bent down, zipping up her dress and tying the satin ribbon into a nice bow on the back. "Thank you." She smiled and gripped her hands around her big brother's neck. Harry smiled to himself and took her hand to lead her down the steps.

Every year, their mother would set up an Easter egg hunt for (y/n), Harry being 10 years old and convinced he would make (y/n) upset if he found all the eggs and she didn't. So he just let her find the eggs all by herself.

"Hawwy I'm 4 and I'm a big girl I can do it!" She persisted, smiling proudly at her taller brother while holding his hand. He rolled his eyes at her, signaling for his mom to get her distracted.


(Y/n) came limping in through the back door, a large gash on her knee. Harry had friends over at the time, not paying a second thought to when his baby sister came back from playing outside. She was not one to admit she needed help even though it wasn't the best thing for her. She tried to hide her tears but when Harry noticed her limp, he left his friends in the living room and rushed to her, immediately picking her up by her underarms and placing her on the counter. "What did you do to yourself?" Harry asked, concerned while getting the disinfectant spray and some gauze.

"I-I was jumping and I f-fell." She stuttered out and pointed to the trampoline in the backyard. After she wiped her tears, Harry sighed at her.

"Gotta be more careful, munchkin." He sprayed the disinfectant which caused (y/n) to squirm and whine but Harry kept her still.

At this time, Harrys friends came into the kitchen to see what had happened, gathering around (y/n). They asked her what happened and encouraged her at how tough she was and explaining stupid stories of themselves, making her laugh and giggle.

Your POV.

The door was open.


Had Harry left it open by mistake? No, that couldn't be. Maybe he did it on purpose as a trap for me. Or maybe he thought he locked it but he didn't and it some how opened?

All these possibilities were hurting my head as I couldn't resist the urge to peek through. Not inching closer out of fear, I looked through the slit of the door.

It was different. Organized. Boring. All the paintings were stacked neatly, maybe organized by scenes or colors or maybe in alphabetical order of the names.

I didn't have time to think much more about it when I heard my name being shouted from downstairs. I gasped and yelled that I was coming. I left the art studio as I'd found it, the door cracked and brought as many blankets as I could down to the living room.

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