He's strict *REQUEST*

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*only 5sos*

LUKE (12)
"Lukey?" You popped your head in your brother's study where he was going over papers.

"Yes?" He peered over, his glasses on the rim of his nose.

"Can I ask you something?" You put a sweet smile on your face in effort to look as cute as possible. Your friend Kate was having a slumber party you really wanted to go to and you needed Luke's permission.

He sighed noticeably, knowing that tone of voice.

"What is it, babe?" He asked and turned his chair towards you.

"Well, its just that Kate is having this slumber party tonight and everyone is gonna be there and I was sorta hoping you'd let me go." You swayed on your feet and pleaded to your big brother. He only stared at you.

"(Y/n), you know you're grounded for the weekend from not doing your homework." He informed you and you sighed, beginning to whine.

"Pleeeaaase, Luke. Its going to be so much fun and all my friends will be there." You complained and made a distressed face at your brother. You really wanted to go.

"You already know my answer. What good would it do if I don't hold your punishment when you've disobeyed me?" He lectured and you looked down to the floor, shrugging and feeling bad for yourself.

"I just want to see my friends." you muttered pitifully. You heard Luke sigh and walk up to you. He wrapped his arms around you and squeezed tightly. You were on the verge of tears now. You hadn't seen your buddies in weeks!

"Don't cry, there will be other sleepovers, yeah?" He asked you, rubbing your arms snd trying to cheer you up. You nodded. He was still hugging you as you sniffled.

"Ah, shit. Fine okay, you can go." He caved as your eyes lit up in happiness. You turned to face him and smiled.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" You kissed his cheek and squealed.

"But Im picking you up at 8am to tomorrow!" He told you firmly.

"Thank you, Lukey!" You cheered and ran upstairs to text your friends and get ready. He smiled up after you. He couldn't stand to see his baby sister upset.

(Y/n), Im not saying it again." Michael growled as he put the dishes away. You huffed and grunted. Michael was always strict with you, complaining that you were his little sister and he needs to look after you.

"All I'm saying is that you don't need to treat me like I'm six years old, I can dye my hair if I want!" You erupted, now yelling.

Michael was not one to talk about dying hair. You thought he would definitely say yes when you asked and would even help with it.

"I don't care! You're not dying your hair under my roof or supervision! Your hair is just fine the way it is." He argued and you groaned. He was already mad at you for asking so many times.

"You dye yours all the time!"

"That's different. I am an adult and I can do what I please. You, you're a child. It's the last time I'm saying it, (y/n), no." He finalized his answer as you clenched your fists. He had no right to tell you what to do. It didn't matter if you lived with him, he was just being stupid.

"But I want it!"

"But nothing! You're grounded, (y/n). I'm done with your pleading. Tomorrow, you're grounded." He sighed, not even sparing you a glance while you stood there dumbfounded.

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