You Have a Disorder

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ASHTON (6) (ADHD- attention deficit hyperactive disorder)

At first they thought you were just a really lively child, someone with a strong personality. It wasn't until later that they found out you had ADHD and it would cause problems not only for you, but the people around you as well. You currently had medication for it, but as always, it's not perfect.

You were sitting down at the kitchen table, tapping your foot on the ground incessantly and singing loudly to a song on the radio. Ashton was in the family room, yelling politely for you to be quite so he could watch his show. You apologized several times but continued to make noises and flail your limbs about. Any normal 6 year old does these things, but for you it was extreme. You got up from the table and ran to your brother, racing circles around the couch. "(y/n), please stop. Am I going to have to give you your medication?" Ashton pleaded with you. You screamed a defiant response and resumed running about. Fed up, Ashton caught you in his arms as you turned the corner and held you still. You were insane, screaming and whipping your arms and legs for him to let you go. "Shh, shh." He held you and you started crying suddenly, frustrated that you were so hyper and couldn't soothe yourself. "I know (y/n), it's okay." He holds you tight to his chest and you begin to calm down. Ashton retrieves your medication and you swallow the pill dry. Tears stream down your face as you're slowly lulled to sleep by Ashton's comforting words.

MICHAEL (19) (schizophrenia)
You were old enough and smart enough to know that you shouldn't be seeing people that aren't there. You hated the idea that you were different from everyone else and the fact that people teased you about it was just mean. You couldn't help that you saw things other people didn't. You were in your room, studying for an exam one day when out of the corner of your eye, you saw a dark figure dash across your room. You tried to ignore it and tell yourself it wasn't there, but you had the strongest urge to look up. Feeding in to it, you tilted your head upwards to find a dark shadow figure lurking above your desk. Your eyes started to water and you screamed out of terror. You couldn't move, you were so horrified. It was just staring at you with black cloudy holes for eyes as you shuddered. It's mouth was formed into a crooked smile that conveyed uneasiness. Suddenly Michael came bursting through the door and the figure immediately disappeared. He wrapped his arms around you as you cried hysterically. Your head was pressed to the forefront of his chest and he stroked your hair to radiate warmth. You knew he didn't like seeing you as scared as you were and you didn't like to worry him either. "it's alright (y/n), it's gone. Whatever it is, its gone. I'll protect you." He cooed and you nodded while cuddling up to him.

ZAYN (10) (paranoia)
It wasn't just fear, you felt. No, this was an all consuming deathly stress pressed upon you at a young age. At every corner, you had to slowly peek around to make sure no one was there already or trying to scare you. This meant no horror movies whatsoever. Not even campfire ghost stories.

You sat in the kitchen, eating a sandwich and listening to the TV in the background. The noise soothed you since silence petrified your being entirely. You hated the eerie soundless classrooms as well and despised the long pauses in suspenseful shows and whatnot. Suddenly, the TV flickered, along with the lights. And all together, they went out. Luckily, it wasn't quite nightfall yet and dusk was just setting in, leaving off a little light from the kitchen windows. You began to grow terrified. Suddenly every sound made became known to you. You cried in terror. "ZAYN!" You shouted. From up the stairs, you heard heavy footsteps rush closer. Finally you felt your brothers strong arms wrap around you. You leaned into his hug and cried your eyes out. This wasn't the first time he's come rushing to your aid and you felt bad. "I'm s-sorry Z." You stuttered.

"No worries, babe." He smiled. "All good." He continued hugging you and rocking you like a child. You felt safe in his arms as a smile crept upon your face. You two spent the rest of the night watching movies on his laptop.

NIALL (14) (eating disorder)
Unlike your brother, you preferred to keep yourself away from food. Although it was hard at times, you'd gotten use to it and soon, it became a lifestyle. A very unhealthy one, that is. It all began when you started seeing people around you shoot up in height, while you stayed the same. Everyone seemed taller and thinner so you naturally wanted to fit in. You we're eating less than you should a day and secretly throwing up dinner afterwards.

Today was two days after Niall got back from tour and he was having the guys over for dinner. Harry, offering to cook since all Niall could do was make a lousy bowl of cereal. There was still an open offer for you to join, however, you said you had some studying to do.

It was well into the dinner hour when a voice shouted from downstairs. "(y/n)! Come and eat! Mom texted me saying so!" Niall yelled. You grumbled quietly and threw your phone on your bed.

"I'm not hungry!" You shouted back. Silence followed and you assumed you had won the argument. Just as you continued to play music in your room, Niall burst in and slung you over his shoulder. You were too confused to fight back and instead, questioned him intensely. "What the hell are you doing?! Let me down!" You yelled. Niall ignored you and carried you downstairs, into the kitchen, and placed you at the table. "What was that for?!" You questioned and Niall stood beside you, pointing to the food sitting in front of you and crossing his arms. The rest of the boys joined him in effort and you eyed them suspiciously.

"What you're doing to yourself is unhealthy, (y/n)." Niall stated. How did he know? Your question was soon answered by Niall again. "You've only eaten ONE time the whole 3 days I've been here. Now I'm going to watch you eat this bowl of cereal until it's gone." He commanded firmly. You gave him a look of anger and plead mixed in one.

"I'm eating perfectly! Leave me alone." You defended and rose from your seat at the kitchen table. It seems the boys had planned you'd do this and immediately grabbed you. Niall held your arms to the chair, Louis and Zayn pinned your feet down, Harry held the spoon in ready position, and Liam was talking to you.

"(Y/n), sweetie, we can do this the easy way or the hard way." He spoke. You pressed your mouth together in defiance. You felt like a child and remained silent, trying to violently wiggle your way out of their grips. "Hard way it is, then." Liam shrugged and instantly plugged your nose, making you incapable of breathing. Relentlessly, you opened your mouth to gasp for air and Harry shoved in the cereal. You were in tears by this point as Liam and Harry held your mouth shut, making you chew.

"We love you." Was all that escaped from Niall's lips. The boys nodded in agreement as tears streamed down your cheeks. It was all too much and you didn't want this horrid food shoved down your throat.

After an agonizing hour of defiance, restrictment, and whining, the bowl of cereal was finished. The boys all carried you to the couch and stuffed you right in the middle of their hugs so you wouldn't be able to run to the bathroom and empty your stomach. You stayed like that the rest of the night, watched television and later, they demanded you tell them what was going on. They helped you a lot and gave you all to support you needed.
2 updates in one day what?! I know, I know, I'm just as surprised. Well, it's kinda short and sucky so....sorry.

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QOTD: Favorite Disney Princess movie?

AOTD: Tangled, The Princess and the Frog, or Beauty and the Beast.

xx, Haley

One Direction/ 5sos BSMDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora