You're Sassy *REQUEST*

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LIAM (13)

"(y/n), could you please clean up the living room before mom and dad get home?" Liam asked you sweetly, jogging down the stairs towards the kitchen. Your parents wouldn't be home until tomorrow morning but Liam wanted everything clean beforehand.

"Later." You mumbled. You were watching a movie and didn't want to be interrupted.

"No, not later. Now." Liam argued, his voice becoming upset. You could always tell he didn't like when people didn't listen to him.

"Last time I checked, you aren't mom or dad. So kindly stop annoying me and go." You pointed to the stairs as he clenched his fist. He hated being told off or told what to do. You were both stubborn when it came to that.

"Seriously?! Now is not the time to have an attitude with me, (y/n), now do as you're told. Now."  He was breathing heavily and trying his hardest to stay calm. You lost it, however, never liking being told what to do.

"Fuck off, Liam! God, if you want it done so bad, you do it!" You spat and turned the volume up on the movie. You heard heavy footsteps away from the kitchen and towards the couch where you were laying. Liam angrily turned off the TV as you whined.

"I don't want you speaking to me like that. I am in charge and I'm telling you to clean up!" He held the remote higher than you could reach as you growled at him.

"And I'm telling you to fuck. off." You repeated, kicking him in the shin quickly.

"Shit!" He yelled in response, grabbing his shin and hopping on one leg to rid the pain. You smirked and hopped off the couch as he was cursing himself. "You're really asking for it, (y/n)." Liam hissed and hobbled over to the kitchen where you were getting a snack.

"Liam, please. I always get what I want and I'll be the first to tell you, you aren't on the list at the moment." You chuckled at his stupidity. His face immediately turned a dark shade of red as he tried to contain himself. He hated it when you were sassy. "Don't hurt yourself there, buddy."

"You're grounded!" He shouted at last and you couldn't do anything but laugh up a storm while waiting on the stairs. Liam couldn't have gotten angrier as he sighed dramatically and slapped the counter top pretty hard.

"Yeah, okay, Liam 'grounded' HA! That's a good one." You laughed and dried your tears, walking up the steps to your room. You hadn't expected for him to really do anything about because it's Liam.

"I mean it, (y/n)!" He shouted up the stairs. As you just laughed back and slammed your door.

HARRY (10)

It wasn't uncommon for a few sly remarks to part your lips every so often but today, Harry was not having it. He was meant to watch you for a weekend while your parents were away and your constant battle on everything was getting out of hand. He said he was going to hurt Louis for teaching you to be this way.

"(y/n), why don't you go outside and play? You've been watching TV nonstop." Harry insisted while he came downstairs. You just scoffed and continued your show without a care as to what he was saying.

"No way." You argued and rolled your eyes. He only sighed with your behavior and came up to the couch you were sitting on, his hands on his hips as if it made a difference.

"Yes, way. C'mon, you know it's not good to be all cooped up in the house. Go outside! Play with a ball or something!" He suggested though you were stubborn to keep your butt on the couch.

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