I have an idea!

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Hey guys! Before I talk about the idea that I had, I put the pictures on 🔝 because if any of guys know someone who is thinking or talking about killing themselves, please help them and these are going to help you with talking to them or if you don't know how to talk or even bring it up with them, but it's important to talk with them about this Incase they do plan on doing it. I have someone come in class and I was at school about the what depression, anxiety, and suicide can do and how to help them get through it with them. To be honest, it's not worth it I promise that you can do it and your not alone on this. A lot of teenagers have thought about it and probably plan on doing it, wether if it's for many reasons that I can't name at the moment. So please do go help them and tried to get them to talk with someone they trust. Anyways that's all I have for that, now let's get started with the idea that I have.

So, I have seen a lot of Drarry Instagram and how Draco is a bottom, which I will not say anything against it but how is he a bottom? When is taller than Harry? Okay I had enough about but that's not point! The point is that I haven't seen any Tomarry or Hedric Instagram that I ever looked. I know the ship Tomarry is probably toxic or disgusting because Tom is Voldemort but I picture it was with Tom and Harry not Voldemort and Harry. I ship his younger self with Harry. I always pretended that older Voldemort doesn't exist, I get it that I'm weird for liking the ship but it's my opinion about what I like and dislike (which says a lot because I dislike a lot of things😂). They have something in common that most characters don't have, they didn't get because of someone(*cough* Dumbledore *cough*) or anyone really. Harry was abuse by the Dursley's who Dumbledore decided it was a good idea to put him with Lily's sister and her husband and son. Lily's sister was bitter and jealous that Lily was able to go to Hogwarts, where they are taught how to control their magic. Petunia was a jealous and bitter that she made fun of Lily because she had magic and she didn't. Petunia never tried to contract Lily(after they left Hogwarts) to put their differences aside, so it's safe to say that Petunia will never change into a better person because she's always going to be that person who can't accept other people for being different or not "normal" in her eyes. Harry wasn't supposed to go the Petunia and her husband when Voldy killed them, and be was left has a orphan that doesn't have any parents anymore. But Tom was a Orphan as well and because his mother drug his father with a love potion, which cause him to leave him a d his mother when she pregnant with Tom Jr.

They are both different in their own ways, but they are similar in them that's what makes me ship me!

Anyways, I notice that Hedric isn't that popular ship that everyone likes but I do wish to see more Tomarry and Hedric Instagram as well. I have nothing against Drarry Instagram, but I do want to see one of those ships have a Instagram, where Cedric didn't die and Tom is in the same year as Harry. In 5th year of course! Because I do like them in that year.

I think I make one of these myself but I don't know where I get the pictures from. Or if any of you want can do the idea I had just came up.

Anyways that's all from me for now! But I hope you enjoy hearing what I had to say even if you didn't read this but it's okay tho, I understand why.

Bye! 👋

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