I have something to say!

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Hey guys, First off, I wanted to apologize for posting that much, it's that school had been stressing me out, and I have been getting a lot of chest pains due to being stressed out and My teachers decided to give me projects to work on, (English and algebra) to be more specific. (😒😒). But I have some good news to share with you all.

I have decided to come back to actually writing and not posting something that got nothing to do with the series.

I'm making a new story(surprisedly 😂)  and it's going to be about Tomarry since there is not a lot of Tomarry on YouTube for some reason and there isn't that much of Hedric neither. (To which I still love that ship so much)

It's a bit confusing on why I have always have a different story idea that I want to write something else. It's frustrating! I know, I need to story making so many stories that I need to finish before making a new one. Also this new story that I be making is going to involve Y/n.

This is my first time involving her/him/they/them into my story. I can make a gender fluid y/n for anyone that can't decide which gender they want to be.

I just finish doing my outline of, now I will start writing it. But for now, give me time to start on soon.

Okay, that's all from me for now! I updated to you guys if anything happens during the process. To be honest I'm not sure if I'm going to finish the this one. But I give it tried.


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