Chapter 1 - Verinth and Albus

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Thank you for reading! I don't own any of Harry Potter! Please let me know if you enjoy! Updates every Saturday!

During the Battle of Hogwarts, Severus Snape arrived at the castle's boathouse that night prepared to die.

Severus Snape had spent the previous seventeen years keeping Harriet Potter safe.

He would leave the world holding one last secret for her.

He would feed one last lie to Voldemort so that she could have a scrap more of opportunity......then he'd mercifully find peace after long years of turmoil.

As a Gryffindor scarf waved in the air, hung from a nail on the wall behind him, Severus's stony facial expression depicted the grim look of a man who knew that he was on his final path.

He wasn't entirely certain why he felt fear, he had waited for his dying day for nearly twenty years.

"And you're certain that the Elder Wand will obey me, Severus?" Voldemort hissed with a snarl as he circled his loyal servant while they stood and spoke in the boathouse.

On the damp, wooden floorboards between the two men, Nagini, the snake, another of Voldemort's trusted servants, lay in waves with her large, forked tongue flickering out of her massive head.

"Of course, my lord." Severus nodded as he attempted to move his lips in a way that resembled a smile, "There is no power greater than your own."

Voldemort looked at Severus with his horrible, serpentine eyes for a terribly long moment before he spoke in his eerie voice, "You're a clever man, Severus, but we both know that's not true. The Elder Wand follows the wizard who kills its previous owner.......Isn't that right?"

Severus's face fell in dreadful realization as he gazed at Voldemort.

No matter how much he had considered death previously, abstract musing and unavoidable reality were two entirely different concepts.

"You have been a good and faithful servant to me, Severus." Voldemort said very matter-of-factly.

Severus opened his mouth as his survival instincts activated and he spoke, "My lord......"

A hateful sneer crossed Voldermort's face as he made a sudden, slashing motion with the Elder Wand that he held in his hand.

Severus knew then that it was over.

He felt the cut that sliced open his throat.

Blood spotted his white collar.

Voldemort kept that hateful sneer on his face as he whispered harshly to Nagini in the language of snakes that Severus couldn't understand, "Nagini, kill!"

Severus saw the serpent's merciless eyes turn on him and as his throat bled, he cried out as the snake opened its gaping mouth and launched itself forward.

Hogwarts' headmaster fell back against the boathouse windows with the first strike.

The second strike, the third, the fourth.....shook Severus like a rag doll as the snake violently carried out her master's vicious orders.

Severus's heart pounded as he slumped down against the glass of the boathouse windows while Voldemort stared at him callously once Nagini finally relented.

Satisfied with the job that his pet had done, Voldemort and his snake apparated away in one quick blur.

Severus swallowed dryly and glanced over as the door to the boathouse slowly creaked open.

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