Chapter 4 - The Extra Alpha

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Verinth and Albus nervously leaned against each other as they explained to their parents what they had done, what had happened, and how their actions had made it possible for two versions of Severus Snape to be present in the household that night.

The room was quiet for a moment after the boys' lengthy story concluded.

Harriet frowned and kept a hand on her mounded belly as the life within her squirmed in response to the acceleration of her pulse that her apprehension had incited.

Severus looked at his future self who offered no apology for placing his wand to his throat, but only gave him an unreadable look before he turned to Verinth and Albus.

Severus's future self stalked towards his two sons with his long, black robes sweeping ominously at his sides and over the floor. He approached them with a terse look on his face while he hissed, "I've raised you both since birth....I've raised you with sense! I've taught you two how to use logic and reason.......Why would you go against everything that I've tried to instill in you and do something so utterly.....utterly moronic?!"

Albus shamefully looked down at his feet and left his older brother with the responsibility of courageously meeting their father's judgmental stare and providing an answer.

"I'm.....we're sorry, Dad. Dad, Mum." Verinth nodded at his father, then at Harriet and finally at the younger of version of Severus as he spoke before he looked back at his father and explained, "I....I really thought I had worked all of the problems out.....of the revised Time-Turner and I....we....we didn't expect you to follow us home!"

"You may very well have erased our family." Severus's future self spoke to his eldest child in a low, grim whisper as his black eyes darted back and forth between his sons, "You two, myself, and your unborn least. I expect that your mother will be alright. But the rest of us....."

"Daddy, no!" Albus cried as he clutched onto Verinth and looked up at Severus's future self, "Help us! You always know how to help us!"

Severus's future self let out a sigh that sounded as pitifully melancholy as air leaving a deflating tire.

"Hermione may be able to aid us, love." Harriet interjected.

Both versions of Severus turned their attention away from Verinth and Albus to focus on Harriet.

"She has one of the last remaining Time-Turners in her office. Remember?" Harriet said with a nod, "I'm sure if we go and explain the situation to her, she'll let us borrow it to take you back." She finished as she looked over at Severus's younger self.

"Very well then, let's be off." The Severus on the floor nodded at Harriet.

"We can't go now! The Ministry is closed!" Severus's future self snapped at him.

"........The Ministry?" Severus's younger version asked with an incredulous scowl.

"Hermione Granger is Minister for Magic now." Harriet informed the younger version of her husband.

Severus's mouth fell open in shock.

"We'll go straight there as soon as the Ministry opens for the day." He heard his future self affirm before he ushered the boys out of the room.

When Harriet found herself alone again with the younger version of her husband, she couldn't help the soft blush that covered her cheeks.

She felt an unignorable amount of guilt about what had happened, but at the same time, she tried not to fault herself too much.........

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