Chapter 4

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                          Heyy! Sorry for not writing I just haven't been in the mood anyway enjoy! ^^

"BAGH!" Anne screamed as she fell out of her bed.

Marcy was stunned and also fell out of Annes' bed.

The two giggled.

"You goofball!" Marcy said as she walked over to Anne.

Marcy being her clumsy but normal self she tripped and fell onto Anne.

{Oh my god.. she's so close to me... She's so pretty..} Marcy thought.

Anne was all shades of pink and red she looked like a tomato.

"Oh, Marcy!! U-Uh..." Anne was flustered she couldn't speak one word.

Marcy got up and helped Anne up as well.

"Sorry Anne I-I didn't mean to!!" Marcy stuttered and teared up in embarrassment.

"Marcy. It's okay." She touched Marcys' cheek. {Her skin is so soft..} Anne thought, daydreaming.

"How about we go get some bugsicles??" Anne said with a smile.

"O-Okay.." Marcy said, shaken up.

They walked toward the ice cream shop for some orange-flavored bugsicles.

"Here we are Marcy!" Anne said cheerfully.

"M'lady." Anne said scooting out a chair for Marcy.

"Why thank you kindly, Ma'am." Marcy said.

Anne and Marcy always flirted with each other platonically, as a "friend" thing.

"Hello welcome to Ice n' Bugs!! What can I get for you two??" The waitress said cheerfully.

"Two orange bugsicles please!" Marcy said with a smile.

"Alrighty is that it for you ladies??" The waitress asked.

"Yep! Thank you so much!!" Anne smiled.

"Okay, I'll be back with your two bugsicles in a jiffy!!" The waitress walked off.

"Marcy??" Anne said.

"Hm??" Marcy said in a wondering tone.

"You seem down, are you okay??" Anne spoke with a solemn tone.

"Yep.! I'm fine." Marcy sounded unsure.

"Mar Mar you can't lie to me, what's bugging you??" Anne said a bit more sternly.

"Right, you've always been the detective of the group." She chuckled.

"C-could I tell you at home??" Marcy said, worried.

"Yeah of course! You can tell me anything." Anne said in a reassuring tone.

The waitress came out with their bugsicles.

"Here you go! 2 bugsicles." The waitress gave them to the girls.

"3 coppers please!" The waitress held her hand out.

Anne gave the waitress 3 coppers.

"Thank you very much!!" The waitress walked off.

Anne ate her bugsicle, she didn't mind the bugs and got used to the taste.

Marcy picked out the bugs and ate the bugsicle or I guess the Not-So-Bug-Sicle.

Marcy got her popsicle all over her face and giggled.

"Marcy, you have popsicle all over your face!!" Anne chuckled.

Anne grabbed a tissue and wiped off all the popsicle on her face. 

"Thanks, Anne." Marcy smiled.

"Alright let's go home." Anne said slipping her hand in Marcy's.

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