Impasse and a wish

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It was Annika's Godh Bharai ceremony. Everyone had been waiting eagerly for this one, especially Pinky. She strutted around the mansion the day before the ceremony, reminding everyone that she birthed the first son in the present generation, and now her daughter-in-law was going to have the first heir of the next generation. 

Pinky thought that her pride would hurt Tej, but he didn't seem affected by her indirect barbs at all. 

For Tej, and Jahnvi, were too worried about their sons to get offended about their possible grandchildren. Too late, they were ruing all the mistakes they made as parents that their children had to suffer like this. 

"He is trying his best, you know" said Jahnvi, observing Omkara.

"Yes, no one outside the family would know what he's actually going through" concurred Tej. "Have you spoken to Gauri recently?" 

"I did. But I didn't touch on this issue. From what I gleaned, she's planning to leave, after Annika has the child. Go back to Haridwar" said Jahnvi sadly.

"Well, maybe that's a good thing" said Tej. "If they can't resolve their differences, it might be good for them to move on with their separate lives, and they can't very well do that if they keep running into each other."

Jahnvi opened her mouth to argue the point, for she still had some hope that Gauri might relent, but then she thought of the years of abuse she had to suffer, and how she was still wary of Tej sometimes....perhaps, one daughter-in-law of this family could keep herself above her toxic love for her husband. 

Rudra was the life of the party. His enthusiasm was unmatched, something which made Gauri curious. 

"Rudy bhaiyaa, you seem excited that you won't finally be the youngest person in the mansion anymore" she said to her former brother-in-law.

"I am" confirmed Rudra.

"Hmm, is it only that?" queried Gauri.

Rudra was ready to say 'yes', but then he shook his head, and said, "Oh well Bhaabhi, you have the right to know. Remember that conversation we had the other day? In the garden, where I told you about Soumya? Yeah, so I took your advice and reconnected with her, and guess what? She's coming to India in two months, right in time for Annika bhaabhi's delivery. She didn't want to miss that."

"Not only that, I hope" giggled Gauri, and said, "I am happy for your Rudy bhaiyaa."

"I know" Rudra's smile dimmed somewhat. "I only wish I could do something for you, that would make you happy."

"You can. You can take care of Jiji, after I leave" said Gauri.

"You're leaving?" Rudra's smile vanished altogether.

"Shh! And smile again, quickly. I'm not leaving right now. But eventually, after I see my nephew or niece, and spent some time with them, of course I have to go back home" said Gauri.

"But this is your home, Bhaabhi" said Rudra.

"Not really, this is only sister's and my brother's home now" said Gauri firmly. "Don't...don't argue that point, Rudy bhaiyaa. I am only telling you, that you would need to take care of my sister, because she will be cut up after I leave, and most likely, Bade bhaiyaa too. I haven't told either of them that's why. I'm telling you now, so that, you know, you can manage."

Rudra heeded her request, though he wanted to reason with her badly.

The ceremony commenced with only the ladies being in attendance, as was the custom. Later, the men were invited inside as well. 

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