Chapter 14

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Hot steam evaporated into the air as Nora approached the pool, leading her to tentatively dip her toe as she balanced on one foot. The water was scalding, just as she had imagined and with the stars of Inverness glamouring the sky, she released a small breath and took her first hesitant step into the water.

Meanwhile, Ali had stepped onto the decking and immediately found a spot on an armchair, a dying wood fire attempting to keep him warm. It wasn't exactly her definition of checking out the pool, but she pushed the thought out of her mind as she stepped in further and waded until the water reached her knees.

Being a jacuzzi, she didn't expect the pool to be deep, and so she perched on the wall so that her companion remained in sight. He was currently pencilling something into the book he had brought along with him, but she hadn't dared to ask him just yet. Plus, at this point, a much more pressing question was in mind.

"So, what's the plan about Billy?" She asked as he met her brown eyes. Ali hadn't mentioned any success regarding the cat, so she'd assumed the worst and hadn't had the heart to bring up the topic. Though he and Harriet seemed amicable over the dinner, she'd cooked to perfection; from Nora's own experience, she also knew the woman was stubborn.

"Do we need to go back tomorrow? Or... are we going to break in and swap the cats?" she clarified when he frowned, her eyes beading with excitement as the thought of acting deviant awoke her non-dormant crazy.

"Mrs Jones agreed to the swap," he expressed as she gaped.


"Billy's in your room; he was asleep on the couch," Ali explained, moving forward so that she could see his puzzlement. "Couldn't you tell the difference?"

"No..." she answered honestly, "but more importantly, why in the heck didn't you say anything?"

"I didn't think I needed to,"

Nora would have been annoyed had that been the response from anyone else, but this was Ali. Over the past week of knowing him, she'd quickly learnt that he didn't quite understand...people as most did. Still, it wasn't something she would consider an issue or a problem per se, it was just how Ali was, and it was only apparent to her now, sitting knees deep in hot, chlorinated water, that she'd accepted that.

"Well...I guess that's great news!" She grinned as he nodded. "Was he happy to see you? What happened whilst I was cooking?"

And so Ali told her, just as their Chinese takeaway had arrived. He explained how Billy had immediately recognised him, and it was the first time he had come out from his hideyhole, and Mr Mittens had shown his preference also. He explained how their story warmed Mrs Jones, and after some contemplation, she had agreed and thanked him for bringing the second feline to her home.  It was a tale of success and one Nora could only smile in response, pleased that their mission was complete.

"Is the water hot?" He then asked upon completing his story, and when she nodded, to her surprise, he neared the pool. For a moment, she thought he'd step inside with her, which would be very much be out of his character, but then he moved the deck chair so that he was closer and could feel the steam but remained dry.
"So, when did you become a chef?" Ali enquired after several moments of comfortable silence. "I didn't expect that considering you work at a pet shop,"

"Worked," Nora corrected, "and erm... well technically, I qualified four years ago,"

"But you never pursued it?"

"Oh, I did," Nora revealed with a bemused grin, "I had a beautiful restaurant with the perfect menu and staff too. My dream came true," She could feel Ali's eyes burning a hole into her face as he stared. Still, Nora didn't release her gaze from the sky above as she sighed, her breath misting and dispersing into the atmosphere, reminding her of the cold, despite the warm current pressing against her clothed legs.

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