Chapter 19

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The lounge space was unexpectedly large, especially considering it was a middle floor apartment and the pictures had been of shoddy quality. Still, with the attached kitchen, the comfortable sofas positioned around the TV, and the windows that backed against the north wall, offering stunning views of park, it wasn't quite large enough for Nora to feel like she could escape.

"So what is it you need to be home for?" Nora asked, finally acknowledging the elephant in the room. The entire drive to their new home for the next two days had been weirdly silent. And Nora knew Ali was quiet...and slightly weird, but this was even stranger.

The elder man sighed, and rested on the sofa closest to the window, his concentration focused on the cars parked outside that made it almost impossible to tell if what mood Ali was in. A second sigh clarified that he wasn't exactly happy and after excusing himself to pray, it only gave Nora more time to grow concerned.

When Ali returned however, it appeared as if the news his sister had communicated was no longer a pressing concern, making the unanswered messages on Nora's mobile her top priority. She wasn't meant to groan but when it released she gained the attention of her companion and unlike his ability to keep secrets, Nora spilled her truth.

"Can I confess something?" She asked, digging through her rucksack to find a packet of crisps. Unfortunately she was all out of ready salted, but salted pretzels had the kick she needed, and she settled on to the sofa before continuing. It wasn't like Ali had much choice but to listen anyhow.

"It's my father's wedding," She confessed and the sudden attention almost caused her to giggle.

"What? When?"

"Tonight," She sighed, "About an hour from here,"

"And you wanted to go?" Ali asked, and the side eye she offered was enough to give Ali the truth. "Are you going?"

The small silence was deafening and Nora was one more hounded by the thoughts of how many calls she had ignored by her parents and brother about the wedding in the past. As much as she hated the thought, she knew she didn't have any choice but to go. " I kind of have to don't I."

Ali nodded in response.

"Will you come with me?"

Ali's eyes seemed to soften with surprise but when he nodded, Nora knew her smile was real.

"Thank you," She beamed, "I guess I'll message my brother and....oh shoot! I don't have any clothes," The realisation was almost enough for Nora to back out but Ali was the first to clip her doubts before they appeared.

"Nonsense," Ali claimed, moving to his feet, "It's a beautiful day and it's still rather early, we can go shopping."

Nora didn't need to suggest that they would be leaving Billy behind in the apartment as they slipped on their jackets and prepared to exit the apartment. The cat had done enough damage, and every time she caught a glimpse of the fresh scratches marring Ali's cheek, the humour returned in full force.
Ali had provided ample dirty looks for the expression to now be ingrained in her mind, but she didn't believe the threat, the situation was too funny for her to even care.

They crossed the road and followed the path towards the town center that was beginning to blossom to life. It was 10 am on a Sunday, so they were already limited to how many shops they could visit. Fortunately, there were more than enough charity shops for her to seek a buzz, but it seemed her companion didn't match her excitement.

"I can't wear used clothes!" Ali complained, dousing his palms with hand sanitiser upon realisation of where Nora had led him, as she rolled her eyes and pulled him by the arm.

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