What happend to Danny?

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If you ask Danny to describe his feelings, he couldn't come up with the words. How could he describe the feelings he had in his body? The hurt of betrayal, the pain of the weapons his parents used on him. He didn't know what was worse. The physical or mental pain. He didn't understand why his parents did this to him. A few days ago they accepted him for who he was! After he saved the world they said they loved him. And now he was tied up on a table in their lab. Some tape on his mouth so he couldn't call for Jazz to help. His hands and feet tied up with covered with Ecto-ranium, so he couldn't use his powers, but even so he tried to escape.

"Don't even try ghost scum" the disgusted voice of Jack was heard from the stairs. A few seconds later, both Jack and Maddie were next to him. Slowly and painfully Maddie removed the tape from Danny's mouth. "So ghost scum, what did you do with those people? How did you brainwash them so they see you as a hero and not like the monster you are?" asked Maddie.
"What do you mean mom?" asked Danny with fear in his voice, but as fast as he answered, Jack give him a blow to his head.

"Don't call her your mother ghost scum. You're not our son and will never be" the hatred was clearly in Jack Fentons voice and Danny looked at his father. Sure he knew they adopted him. How couldn't he know? He was almost nine years old. It was just six years ago, but never did they give Danny the feeling he wasn't a Fenton. If he didn't was nine years old when he was adopted, he would have thought the Fentons where his real family. He loved them and he thought they loved him. But clearly he was wrong. Not about Jazz. Jazz always loved him. After she learned about his secret, she proved it to him by helping him. But his parents? They just tricked him so he would stay at their house. They didn't love him. It was as crystal clear that they hated him. Why didn't they not say anything at the moment they learned the truth?

Jack and Maddy asked him some more questions, but Danny didn't reply. He was too much in his own thoughts to even hear what they had to say, so Jack just decided to test some new toys.

After a small talk, Tim immediately accepted the question from Dick to help him with his investigation. After Bruce and he, Tim was probably the best detective. Dick knew that the two of them would be able to find Danny. But even so, Tim asked if they should ask Bruce to come and help with the investigation. Something Dick didn't want. They didn't have any leads and Bruce was busy enough for what it is. Being Batman and multi millionaire Bruce Wayne wasn't something that was easy. He didn't want Bruce to go to more trouble if they didn't even had a lead on his brother. Dick wasn't planning on a fight. Only investigation. So they didn't need the help of the team of Bruce. This was a solo mission. Only for the two of them. Nothing more and nothing less.

With the help of the zeta-tube they came in a back alley of Amity Park. It was already late in the afternoon, but there was still time to walk around and to investigate their surroundings. They decided to go to a popular junk food restaurant. According to their investigation it was popular under the people from their age. So if Danny or the Phantom really where here in Amity Park. There would be a chance to walk in to them. If not, maybe they could find some information.
After Dick and Tim chance to their citizens look, they walked inside of the restaurant. It was busy inside, with a lot of young people just like they expected. While they waited for their turn, they tried to listen in of the conversations of the other people inside of the restaurant.

"Now it's unfortunately we didn't bring Conner" said Tim soft. That was a point. As half Kryptonian, Conner had a perfect hearing. It was easy for him to listen to all the conversations. For them it would be a little bit difficult.

It didn't take long before it was the turn of Tim and Dick. A girl with long black hair and a name tag of Tiffanie asked them what they wanted. After a short look at the menu, they decided to take two blueberry muffins. The products of the menu didn't seem appealing and Alfred had spoiled them too much. After they get their muffins, both boys walked to a table in the middle of the restaurant. At the table next to them were a boy with a long yellow shirt, a dark skin and a red beret. Next to him was a girl with black hair and a black with purple shirt. They spoke soft against each other. To soft for the batboys to fully understand what they saying. The only words they could pick up where "Danny" "Missing" and "GIW"

Tim and Dick looked at each other. "Do you think they talk about your brother?" whispered Tim to Dick, who shrugged his shoulders. "It's possible. But maybe there are more Danny's here." answered Dick thoughtfully. "But I am wondering what's GIW"

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