Where is Danny?

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After the words of Jack, Danny tried even harder to get out of his bindings. It was terrible what Jack and Maddy did to him. But the GIW? What would they do with him? Danny couldn't even think about all the possibilities. He only new that he needed to get out of there. At the beginning he wanted to wait for Jazz. Maybe she could talk some sense in their parents? But at this moment? He didn't have time for that. He didn't think his parents would kill him. Even if Jack always said he wanted to tear him in pieces, molecule by molecule. If they wanted to do that, they would have done it already. And Jazz would protect him. But the GIW? Jazz couldn't do anything. And he didn't know what they would do with him. But unfortunately the Ecto-ranium ropes made it impossible to even move. Let alone escape. The minutes were ticking, but without any success of escaping.

That was until five big man in white clothing came in the doorway of the lab. Agents K and O in the front. "So this is Phantoms other side?" it was O who asked the question, and Jack who answered. "Yes we think a ghost scum took over the human body." "Don't worry, we take it from here" it was the voice of the leader, better known as Agent Alfa. At that moment, Agent K came inside of the lab and walked to Danny. After he put a ecto-ranium collar on Danny, he untied the ropes. As fast as Danny could, he jumped up and tried to escape. But right after his jump, an electric shock came through the collar. "Nice try ghost scum" said O with a smirk at the same moment as K grapped his shoulder. "But now you are from us" said K quietly in Dannys ear. Danny gulped in fear. Before Danny knew it, he was inside of a White bus on the way to the headquarters of the Guys in White.


It was 9 A.M when Tim and I were ready to go. From the hotel it was a 15 minutes walk to Fenton Works. If it was me, I would be there at 6 A.M, but Tim said that was a little bit early. Mr, Mrs Fenton and Danny would be a sleep. Tim was right of course, but I could barely wait! Also Danny would be at school. But maybe it was better if he was at school. At that way, Dick could talk with Danny's adoption parents and they could warn Danny. He wouldn't overwhelm Danny. Or well whelm Danny. Both he and Danny would have time to prepare them self for the meeting. He would be able to learn about Danny before meeting him. How much was his brother changed in the last years? How much did he change?

At 9:15 A.M they came at Fenton Works. They just saw a white bus leave the street, but that didn't bother them. The only thoughts at Dicks mind where about Danny. As soon as they reached the front door, Tim pressed the bell. Dick couldn't remember the last time he was so nervous. Would he see his brother again?

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