What's going on?

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It didn't take long before the door to open. A huge man with black hair, blue eyes, an orange jumpsuit, black boots and gloves was standing in the doorway. He had a confident smile on his face. "Hello boys, what can I do for you? Don't you need to be at school?" asked the man a few minutes of silence. I wanted to say something, but when I opened my mouth, the words wouldn't leave. It was like a lost the ability to speak. Probably because of the nerves. Lucky for Dick, Tim seemed to notice.
"No sir, we have a few free days from school. We are looking for a boy named Danny Fenton. That's your adopted son right?" asked Tim, but the mood on the man's face changed.
"I am sorry young man, but I never heard of a Danny Fenton." the voice the man spoke was full with venom. Cold as ice. Both Tim and Dick looked at each other from the corners of their eyes. They were thinking the same thing. Something was changed and you didn't need to be the protege of Batman to know the man was lying. Lying right into their faces. Dick didn't like it.
"I am sorry boys, but I have work to do. If that's all, then I need to go" The man say and before Dick or Tim could do anything, the door was closed.
"Something isn't right" was the first thing Tim said. "He was obviously lying" Dick nodded. "But why would he lie?" asked Dick, something Tim didn't know the answer.
"I am around Danny's age. I go to his school to look for him there. Maybe Nightwing can find something out in here" said Tim and Dick smiled weakly. He was so close. So close to his little brother. No way he would accept this answer. "Sounds as a plan" said Dick and both of them walked away from Fentoms Work. Dick only had his belt with him. Not his suit. That was still in the hotel.

The headquarters of the Guys in White wasn't far away, but Danny wanted the ride to be a long one. Unfortunately he never gets it his way. After a short amount of time, the bus stopped before an electric security fence and a few seconds later they drove inside of the headquarters grounds. The moment the bus came to a stop for the second time, the doors of the back of the bus were yanked open. Two pairs of hands grasped his arms and he was pulled violently from the bus. Danny's eyes were on the ground. Danny felt powerless. He didn't even have enough energy to bring his head up. He didn't know why he felt this way. Even if he couldn't use his powers because of the collar, why didn't he have the power to lift up his head? Danny hated the helplessness he felt. As long as he was in this condition, he couldn't even think about getting out.

It wasn't for long until they get to a small room with a weak green light. The light was probably intended to keep his powers weak. Even if the collar wouldn't work. An unknown agent opened the door and pushed him inside. "Welcome to your new home scum" he said with a wicked smile.
"Unfortunately we are not able to begin the experiments right now. Because of you, the government won't pay us anymore so we still have to get our equipment ready, but no worries. We have a new partner. Tomorrow around this time we can start. Maybe you will even get some new friends here to join you." Danny looked at the agent. What did he mean with some new friends? Ghosts? Or his real friends. And who was the new partner? Who was willing to pay the GIW?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2022 ⏰

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