Fenton Works and GIW

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After Tim and Dick eat their blueberry muffin, they didn't hear anything else what could be interesting. The boy and girl on the other table were talking about their homework. Maybe they knew someone was trying to eavesdrop on their conversation? Anyway Tim and Dick decided to go to a hotel in Amity Park. They had the feeling that this mission could take a while. The hotels in Amity Park were not very special. Cheap rooms, even cheaper food. The curtains of their room had moth holes. Dick was wondering in himself how this hotel even still existed. But that didn't matter. It was a place to sleep and both he and Tim knew worse places to sleep. When they were on a mission, they didn't always know where to sleep. If they were lucky, maybe in the bio-ship of Miss Martian. But a lot of times, they weren't so lucky. So compared with that, this room looked like their room in the Wayne-mansion. The plan was to be in the morning to Fenton Works. It was the home of Danny and Mr and Mrs Fenton were known for hunting the Phantom. If anyone knew where both Danny as the Phantom were, it would be them. Maybe they could even set up a meeting with Danny. If Dick was able to get their trust of course. They probably didn't know who he was, but he had hope.


The whole day and almost the whole night, was Danny tortured by the people who he saw as his parents. The people who needed to protect him against pain. Specially after the death of his biological parents and the separated of from his brother. Jack and Maddie were able to do this because Jazz a few days away from home. She was at her classmates house for a homework assignment. As the sun slowly rose, his wounds were better visible. His right eye was black. His clothes were torn to pieces, at some points where blood stains. Because he was in his human form and not in his ghostform, his regeneration was just normal. A fresh wound in his left arm was still bleeding. Around fifteen minutes ago, Jack decided to cut him there. But both Jack and Maddie knew they couldn't keep Danny at their house. Yes, Jack wanted to tear him in pieces. Molecule by molecule, but Jazz was the one who told them the truth about Danny. She knew it already a long time and accepted it. She accepted that her brother was a monster. A ghost scum. Probably not even a life anymore. Possibly taken over by an other ghost and a danger for her and everyone around her. They couldn't do it here. It would destroy Jazz and their bond together.

Because of this, Maddy decided to call the Guys in White. They knew a long time that the GIW were after Phantom. It was the perfect option for them. If the GIW would take the Phantom, they knew Phantom wouldn't return. He would probably be dissected. Killed in the process. So the GIW could learn about his powers. Jazz would never learn about it. And even if she learned about it, Jack and Maddy could say they didn't know anything. The GIW were other ghost hunters and Jazz knew about it. They didn't have anything to do with them. There secret would be safe.

"Prepare yourself Ghost scum" said Jack with a wicked smile on his face. "We called some old friends of you. The Guys in White. They come to get you in about 30 minutes."

Agent K.

You could say it was a long night and you would be absolutely right. Agent K and Agent O came just back to the base from a meeting with an organization named the Light. The Light was a council with a big goal. Helping the human race to the next step of the evolution. After the Disasteroid came in a little problem. The government didn't give them as much money as they used to. It seemed that the ghost scum of a Phantom won the trust of the government. They couldn't go on with their research, until the Light contacted them. They had an interesting offer. Enough money for their research, but they needed to find out how Phantom became what he was. They wanted more of them. For their own army. Of course they had special chips to control the new ghosts if the research was successful. There was only one problem. The Phantom disappeared. They didn't know where he was. That was until Agent L came to them. Fenton Works just called them. Apparently, they had captured Phantom. It sounded the good to be true! All the money for their research, they could experiment on the Phantom as much as they wanted to! They only needed to pick up the Phantom. Maybe knew the Fentons even something about that ghost scum what could help in their research.

The ghost brother and the detectiveOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant