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chapter three

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chapter three

felix unlocked his apartment door and waited till seungmin went inside, before shutting it.

"so?" seungmin asked.

"so?" felix replied.

seungmin sighed and rolled his eyes, looking at felix up and down.

"you can take all this stuff off now, y'know?"

felix nodded and pulled of the black hair extensions on his fringe, revealing his eyes. they were a deep black, and there were many emotions inside the boy.

felix then took off his glasses and wiped of the make up he had put on to cover his freckles. don't get felix wrong, he loved those tiny sparkles across his face. but they were a distinguishing feature that he didn't need anyone recognising.

felix then took of his oversized jumper, which revealed his singlet. the start of felix's neck, connecting to his collar bone, had the end of tattoos that were beginning from his chest. the boy also had a few tattoos on his arms.

felix then grabbed the rings that were in his jumper pocket, and he put them on his fingers, before putting the earrings in his ears. he had four piercings on his right ear, and three on his left.

seungmin rolled his eyes.

"took you long enough"

felix sighed and slumped down on the couch, next to seungmin. although the boy might look a little intimidating on the outside, his nerdy appearance at school described the real him on the inside.

"question." seungmin said.


"when are you gonna be allowed to show your real self?"

felix hesitated. "i'm not sure, to be honest. they've kept me as a trainee, yes, but there's no chance that i'll actually be one. they don't want people recognising me, it could ruin my repetition, and theirs too. you know how many scandals those idiots could make of me."

"i know that" seungmin grumbled. "but i don't see a point to all this 'nerd act'. you're obviously not one."

"well...it'll get better as time goes on, seungmin." felix smiled.

seungmin nodded slowly.

"wait! but do you go by felix then?"

felix shook his head. "since no one at school knows my korean name, i told them to label me as 'yongbok'. i also told them to not tell the public about my english fluency, or the fact that i'm not from here nationally. you know what the school thinks about that."

seungmin groaned. "you have no idea how many times i've heard 'foreign evil spy' in the locker hallways."

felix laughed.

"yeah, i'm definitely not that."

seungmin nodded.

"but if people find out who you really are, they'll be shocked alright."

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