Draco Malfoy x reader Care

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Third person's pov
It was thursday evening and Y/N was looking through one of the hogwarts windows in the hallway. Y/N. Cold as ice, and wiser than encyclopedia. That is how everyone called her. The snow queen. Though they don't know, how lonely she feels.
Y/N's pov
I was looking at hogwarts window. Interesting how no one knows. It is even more interesting that they judge me without consulting with the problem. That is why I avoid any contact with everyone in Ravenclaw, my house. Oh how they don't know.
-Would things be different if the incident didn't happen?
Well I would probably be a spoiled brat like them.
Suddenly I heard a large pomf and a pain ached on my shoulder.
"Watch where you- wait who are you?", a boy said. The boy was lying on the floor. He had bleach blonde hair and icy blue eyes.
"Y/N L/N. My nickname is Ice Queen." He just raised an eyebrow. One, two, three...
"Why are you counting?" Wait I did that outloud?
Draco's pov
"I am counting to see how long for you would it take to turn by 90 degrees and run.", she said.
"And why would Draco Malfoy run?"
"So you are the slytherin prince that girls in my dorm are drooling for." I blushed.
"And you are the one that Pansy is jealous on." She kept her face normal. I couldn't help but notice her beauty.
"Why don't we be friends?"
"Hm? Strange."
"Excuse me?!", I angrily said.
"No one asked that before. But thanks, let's be friends."
I smiled at her.
"Meet me on the school grounds tommorow." She nodded then walked away. She was walking with such grace.And she reminded me of someone.Of me.
~Time skip by Prussia's awesomeness ^//^~
Y/N's pov
The first class was potions with slytherin. Can't wait to see Draco, wait what?
Snape was now teaching while I gazed through the window. "Ms. L/N, could you tell me the ingredients to completum neutras?", Snape said.
Draco's pov
"Five feathers of a pegasus, frog's heart, oak's leaf, water and dragon's egg.", Y/N said.
"Could you brew the potion?"
"Alright sir." I watched as she gracefully stood up and opened the cabinet. She put the ingredients on the table. After carefully brewing she spoke. "I made the potion sir."
"Ice queen without a heart"
I glared at the kids who said that.
"Now, drink it.", Snape said. She chugged it without hesitation. Nothing happened. Did she brew the potion wrong?
"What was supposed to happen ms. L/N?"
"The potion name, Completum Neutras, which in latin language means complete neutral. The potion was supposed to calm me and clear my mind."
"And why didn't it work?"
"The potion has some effect only on people who are angry at the moment. There however is a counter effect, which happens if the person is calm already, the person becomes angry. And if the person in my case is normally calm without bursts in emotions, the potion has no effect."
"Alright, 15 points for Ravenclaw."
Me and Y/N went out of the classroom, together.
~Time skip~
At the moment I am sitting with Y/N on the cloud.
"You know, I believe that Pansy likes you."
"That pig-face? Tch."
She chuckled.
"Well she does call you Dracie-poo!"
We both laughed. It was nice to have someone to talk to.
"I have to go. To study for that herbology test."
"Alright. Bye N/N." (nickname) .
She left swinging her bag. I noticed that her bag was a bit unzipped and a paper flew out since it was windy. I catched the paper.
' Don't love anyone because either they are going to die or hurt you, or you will die or hurt them. '
~Time skip next year~
Me and Y/N are best friends now. Everything seems to be in order. Except for one thing. Crabbe and Goyle were pretty strange past few days. They even tried to decline some orders. Right now I am walking with Y/N.
"You know, when to think about it Flinch isn't that bad of a trainer." Then Crabbe and Goyle came to me, with crossed arms. They looked.... angry. Y/N noticed that too. She nodded and walked away.
"What did you want to talk about?", I asked coldly.
"We are making our revenge Malfoy. For treating us like dirt. And we are also breaking the contract."
Crabbe took my wand while Goyle knocked me out. I felt a liquid dripping out of my mouth. Blood. I felt a pain in my legs too. It was almost unbearable.
Y/N's pov
I was walking to my dorm and in the same time thinking about Draco. I should tell him, he is my best and only friend after all. Just as when I heard the riddle the lady said. I heard noises. I shivered and my instict told me to inspect. My common sense didn't deny and I ran towards it. I saw that Potter boy, standing right behind the corner looking at something. Or someone. He turned around only to see me.
Harry's pov
I heard someone walking towards me. I turned around only to see the beautiful Ice Queen herself. She mustn't see this. I stopped her.
"Well hello Ice Queen."
"Potter, let me pass, NOW."
"And why should I?" A huge thomp was heard and everything went black.
Y/N's pov
I left Potter unconcious easily with a spell I learned when I was younger. I ran around the corner only to see what left me in shock. Draco lying on the ground unconcious. While Crabbe and Goyle are kicking him. I ran to them quickly, got their wands and knocked them out. Then I dropped on my knees. It was a lot worse than I thought. I closed my eyes.
Draco's pov
Black. It was all I could see. A meadow appeared with swingsets and more muggle equipment. Then I saw two girls, age of 5 or 6 running together while laughing. One girl had brown hair with purple locks and dark green eyes, while the other one had h/c hair and e/c eyes.
"Ever wondered what would happen when we would go in that magic school mom told me about?"
"Not really. I just wish to not have enemies".
"Oh Y/N silly, you have me! I will be beside you no matter what!", the brunette said.
"Oh, remember plums? There are some over there."
"Alright, we should get them."
"Okay, you stay here."
"No fair! You will eat them all!" Then the brunette ran across the road. I heard a sound, a car probably.
"Johanna be careful there is a car going!", Y/N said. However, Johanna didn't hear her. Everything went slower, and I knew this is bad. The car... it hit Johanna sending her fly 5 metres away. Then I hearx a terrible scream. Everything went black.

"Y-you said you would always be beside me.... this is is all my f-fault."

I woke up in a bright room. Infirmary. I stretched a bit and saw Y/N, sitting next to me. "Draco you are alright!" She shed a few tears then gave me a hug.
"Don't ever scare me like this!", she was shedding even more tears.
"Thank you.", I whispered.
"No Draco, thank you. You... made me alive after the incident. You made me laugh trully. You made me haply. This is just what I give you in return."
"What happened?"
"Potter gave 50 galleons to Crabbe and Goyle to ditch you. They all got memory erased and less house points."
"Y/N I.... have to admit... I........ like you a lot. You are sweet wise and beautiful, inside and outside. I know you-" She stopped me by planting a sweet soft kiss on my lips.
"Draco, you made me feel happy, more than anyone I know right now. And I really do like you too."
Suddenly a paper butterlfy came through the window. Y/N catched it and read it. She smiled, shed a tear, then gave the paper to me.
'Happiness is temporary, so use it well.' On the bottom of the paper was a draw of a window and a cat.
Y/N quietly chuckled.
"The window", she spoke very quietly.

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