Alois Trancy x reader The stars

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Third person's pov
The day was perfect. The birds were singing, the trees were swaying in the rhythm of the wind, the children were playing outside. The day was truly perfect. Well, for anyone except for the queen's fox. She was currently glaring at the letter that was 'innocently' lying on her desk.

"Is anything out of order, my lady?", her butler asked.
"Every single word in that letter, Jonathan ...every, single, one.", she said and looked at him, locking the cold e/c eyes with another pair of yellow ones.

"That little Trancy is having a ball.", she said and sipped her tea.
"If my mind is clear, you have very good connections with the youth of Trancies. So, if I may ask, what is the problem, my lady?", Jonathan asked.

Miss L/n just turned her head towards the glass window. On the outside, there was laughing, screaming, and giggling. The children. The fox put her expensive cup on the desk and excused herself from the room. As she was walking through the long, empty halls of the mansion, she tried to avoid to put her gaze on the family portraits on the walls.
The more I look, the more I will remember.
The more I remember, the more I will feel.
The more I feel, the more will it hurt.
Those words were the ones that she hanged onto.
Those words were the ones that kept her alive.
The young girl lied on her soft bed. She lifted her gaze to the right side of her room. It had many maps on the walls, as well as the big mirror with a platinum frame. On the left side was a bookshelf with many books that the hostess liked to read to pass time or calm down. She turned her head as she was thinking about a certain Trancy. Of course to her, he wasn't just 'that little Trancy'. He was Alois Trancy, her childhood friend. Jonathan was right, she did have strong connections with Trancies. He also knew that she saw something in him. No one knows what it is, not even the queen's fox herself. Little did she know that the feeling was mutual.
"Look, Claude! The guests arrived!", the high pitched voice said. The blonde clapped his hands and smiled. His butler nodded. They were looking at the crowd which grew for minutes. However the prince's special guest still didn't arrive.
"Hmph.", Alois said as he walked down the stairs. A few minutes later, a beautiful lady was on the entrance. She had silky h/c hair and cold, yet deep e/c eyes. The host smirked as he kissed the lady's hand.
"Well hello, Y/n-chan.", he said.
"Good evening, Alois", she smiled a bit. Alois gave her a closed- eyes smile and clapped his hands. The music started to play.
"Would you like to have a first dance, my lady?"
"Certainly, my lord.", she knew her friend liked the nickname as much as she liked to be called 'lady'. The girl put her hands on her friend's shoulder as he put his hands on her waist. They swayed in the rhythm of music.
"They look...perfect."
"I agree."
On the end of the song, they stopped. Every woman and man there, clapped. Although she didn't show it, Y/n enjoyed the dance. She wished for it to continue, to feel Alois's delicate touch again. She realised it then.
"Y/n, you seem a little, off."
"I am sorry Alois. I was just thinking.", she said.
"Let's go to the roof!", the high pitched boy exclaimed. The girl nodded. They climbed to the roof terrase and sat on the bench. Suddenly, the blonde hugged the fox. She was first suprised by his act, and then returned him back.
"Alois, I have something to say."
"Hmm, okay! But you have to listen to me, first!" Y/n's eyes widened. Alois looked up. The sky was full of shiny stars.
"Can you guess how many stars are in the sky?", he asked.
"More than a billion?" He nodded and smiled.
"Well, that is how much I love you." Alois said and pressed a gentle kiss on Y/n's forehead.
"I-I like you too.", she said as her face turned as red as a tomato.
"You are like a star to me. Simple, small, yet precious. I will always protect you, Y/n-chan! Claude can help as well!" They laughed and soon afterwards, they drifted to sleep. Little did the girl know, the promise Alois made, was never broken.
Heyloh! This is a shot from the anime called Black Butler, truly wonderful anime! I need to thank Changlings, because she and her cover inspired me to write this a bit longer shot! I am updating today as well!

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