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It's been two weeks since Finley confessed to feeling moved by Dr. Tettler, and here we are, sitting in her waiting room because Jane Pawsten is due for her 9 week check up.

I'm doing my best to ignore the foul odor of dog invading my nostrils and what feels like a swarm of angry bees in my belly. I can tell I'm not the only one bothered by being here. Poor Jane is spazzing out in her carrier, so I reach down and thrum my fingers on the side.

"I feel you, girlfriend."

My muttering catches Finn's attention. He quirks an eyebrow at me and hums a quick, "Hm?"

I quickly shake my head, "Just commiserating with Jane," I say simply. He nods and turns his eyes back to his phone.

He's nervous.

I can tell by the way he's sitting forward, elbows planted on his knees, eyes glaring at the phone. I doubt he's even actually seeing what's on the screen.

As much as I hate to admit it, I'm nervous too.

The wait is longer this time around, go figure, so this time I look at all the pictures hung upon the walls of the decently sized office. Some photos are obviously store bought, but the majority are from faithful clients. Smiling people hugging beloved pets with hand-written thank you notes that gush about how wonderful and kind Maeve is to their animals.

I should hope she'd be wonderful and kind. It's her job after all.

"Jane Pawsten?"

"That's us," Finn smiles at the receptionist and she waves us into a room.

I set Jane's carrier on the bench and take her out. The relief on her little face is more than evident when she jumps right out of my hands and climbs Finn like a tree.

"Dang murder paws," he spits as he pries her piercing claws from his pant leg. He gently hands her to the kind woman sporting a large grin and she goes about weighing her.

"She's gained half a pound! Way to go Murder Paws!"

Finn chuckles and thanks the woman as she hands Jane back to him. I silently watch as she writes down her most up to date weight, and then my heart constricts a little more when she says the doctor will be with us shortly.

Fortunately, or unfortunately, I'm not entirely sure, Dr. Tettler comes breezing in within minutes.

"Hey guys!"

Maeve's tone is so bright and cheery, but she still manages to sound soft. She strolls right over to Finn who is clutching Jane in his hands.

I feel like all of my senses are on hyper alert. I'm noticing so many more things about her than I ever thought I'd care to notice about another woman.

The few seconds she's been in here, she's filled the room with the calming scent of vanilla. I'm not sure if it's a body spray, lotion, or maybe her shampoo, but I can tell Finn can smell it too by the way his shoulders rise with the heave of a deep inhale, then lower with a slow exhale.

His gaze fixes on this woman so intently, I start to become embarrassed. No normal married man would be gazing at a woman so strangely, especially not with his wife right beside him. He glances at me out of the corner of his eye, and immediately clears his throat and stares at Jane once more.

Dr. Tettler uses one finger to rub the top of Jane's head, eliciting a tiny purr. Her smile grows impossibly wider at the reaction, then she turns her blue eyes up to Finn's.

Finn reflexively flinches when Dr. Tettler's hand accidentally brushes his in the process of stroking Jane. I'm reading this man's facial expression, and it's obvious he's about to have an aneurysm between trying to act unbothered when he's actually burning inside—Burning for another woman.

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