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Wren's POV


Shoot! I forgot my bookmark.

I go inside to grab one, because I absolutely detest when I lose my place and it takes me forever to find it again. When I get in, Maeve and Finn are nowhere to be found.

Tell me they didn't just sneak off for a quickie

When I get to Maeve's room, the door is shut. Of course....

"You better get your little ass over here. Now."

What in the world? I've never heard Finn talk like that before.

I hear her walking hesitantly, and after a moment Finn's voice is low, but stern.

"Do you understand why we are here?"

"Yes, Finely. I do."

The way her quiet voice is muffled by the door, it's hard to hear her tone. However, I can say beyond a shadow of a doubt that I've never heard her speaking

The moment I hear a sharp smack, I immediately know what's happening. There's no way my ears are working correctly. Are they role playing? Disgusting

Every part of me is telling me to leave, but for some reason I can't. I continue to stand outside their door as they do some weird ass fantasy. What the heck is wrong with me?

After a few minutes, the sharp smacking sounds still haven't ended. How is that sexy? I can't imagine that feels good.

"If what happened today is repeated, we'll end up repeating this. Under no circumstances are you to blatantly ignore and defy me like that again. Next time we have a problem, talk to me. Hear what I have to say. Don't jump to conclusions...don't assume the worst of me, Maeve."

Suddenly I hear a sob, and I realize that this isn't a sexual moment at all.

Is my husband actually disciplining his wife?

"I.. I will.. I'm s-sorry, Finley."

"I know you are. I just want you to know that this is a line I don't like you crossing."

I can't understand this. Finn has barely ever raised his voice to me, let alone his hand. What has happened to my husband?

"Please," she sobs, and for the first time EVER, I want to burst through those doors and shield her. "I'm sorry, Finn. I-I'm really sorry."

"I know," I hear him say softly, and the smacks get quicker and harder, and I suddenly can't take it. When her wails reach an octave that could break the glass, I rush down the hall and back outside.

My hands are shaking so bad that I just have to do something to calm them. I go and grab some birdseed from the shed we have, and go back into the courtyard.

My husband is abusing his new wife...What kind of a monster did I marry?


"Tell me what's happened to you.... The Finley Jay that I know won't even kill a spider. He catches them carefully and puts them outside. The Finley Jay that I know has barely ever risen his voice to me. You tripped me one time and almost started crying. What the hell has happened to you?"

He carefully sets his glass of water down and clears his throat, shifting in his seat. "Wren, this isn't your business."

"If you say that to me one more time, I'm going to scream," I say in such a dark tone, he looks at me carefully and stands up. He goes to take my hand, and I flinch away from him.

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