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Wren's POV

I'm sitting at work, finally back after a long couple of weeks. I walk around the little Library aimlessly, trying to find a book that I haven't yet read.

When the bell above the door dings I turn to see who is coming in, and smile softly when we make eye contact.

"Hey Wren...Any chance that book came in?" Rhys asks as he flips his bangs out of his face.

I try not to roll my eyes as I shake my head. He knows as good as I do that the Library in Salt Lake hasn't had a chance to deliver it here since this morning.

"Not yet, but hopefully it will be here tomorrow. I can call you when it comes in so you don't have to keep making trips and wasting your time."

He stares at my face a little too long, and it makes me feel uneasy as he nods slowly. "That's okay, I was in town anyway. I'll stop by in the morning. Have a good night," he smiles as he leaves, making the bell ding once more.

I blow out a breath and shake my head. Rhys is a nice man, but he has been coming in so often that I'm about to give him Frequent Flyer miles.

I sit at my desk and scroll through my phone, deciding to text Maeve. Although Rhys is harmless, I'm going to use our newfound friendship to ask her what she thinks about the situation. I haven't told Finn about it yet because he hasn't done or said anything to make me uncomfortable...It's just weird that he's so anxious for his 'Taxidermy Gone Wrong' book.

*Hey girl! Wanna go to the mall or something after work?

*Shoot! I totally would, but I made plans with Sadie this afternoon. Rain check?

*Sure, no problem. Have fun!

Great. I've finally got a friend and now I'm being ditched. It's totally unfair that she met Sadie when she did. Sadie is going to be her fun, I don't give a crap friend, and I'm just going to be the boring one....Ugh I hate that I always have a reason to be jealous.


When I get home Finn is already there, scrolling through his phone at the kitchen table.

"There's my girl," he says as he stands up and kisses me gently.

"You're home early," I say into his chest as he holds me tighter, enjoying the moment with just the two of us.

"What's for dinner tonight, baby girl?" He asks as he pulls away and runs his finger along my jawline.

"Well, I think it'll just be the two of us for dinner, so whatever you want is fine with me."

"Just the two of us?" He asks as he tilts his head in confusion.

"Yeah, Maeve is meeting up with Sadie."

His eyes flicker to annoyance as he blows out a breath. "That would'a been nice to know," he mutters as he shakes his head.

"Well in that case, wanna go to Texas Roadhouse?" He asks as his face goes back to normal and he grins at me.

"Really?!" I squeal as I clap my hands together excitedly.

"Oh yeah...Steak sounds good tonight. You ready or do you need a few minutes?" He asks.

"I'm ready," I say as I slip my shoes back on and we get in his truck, going on our impromptu date.


When we get to the restaurant, Finn orders a huge ribeye, and I order my normal sirloin with two sides of potatoes. Finn makes fun of me for it as usual, and I smile at how this part of my life hasn't changed a bit. The last time we were here, I felt like my world was completely ending.

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