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Wren's POV

The rest of the meal goes by, but the details are fuzzy. I'm trying to wrap my mind around the fact that we're actually here—I never realized getting Jane Pawsten would ruin my life. I don't want to be here, yet Finley does. I don't want to continue talking with this woman, yet Finley does. I don't want our lives to change, yet Finley does.

When we part ways, Finn gently leads Maeve to her car, touching the small of her back softly. Her smile lets me know that she appreciates his touch. She has feelings for my husband.

"You take care now. I hope we see you in church again next Sunday. If you need anything before that, our numbers are in Jane's file," Finn says in a quiet, husky voice as he towers over her, not wanting to leave.

"Oh, um, let me give you mine in case Jane needs anything before her next appointment." She's flustered as she reaches in her somewhat-messy car and grabs a notebook from the passenger seat.

Aren't we just fancy...Here all the other customers have to call the vet's office, but not us...We get to have the doc's PERSONAL number....

Finn's dimpled smile takes over his face and his chocolate eyes start to melt. "That would be great."

She writes the number quickly and hands me the paper, refusing to look at Finn. "It was really great to meet you, Wren...Finn."


"The pleasure is all ours, Maeve. Drive safe now," Finn says as he holds the door open for her.

That's funny, I was gonna tell her to hit a telephone pole on the way home.

Maeve gets in and shuts the door, smiling at Finn and waving at me quickly. We don't move until we watch her drive out of the lot and onto the highway. Once she's gone, Finn suddenly jerks out of his trance and looks at me, a sad smile crossing his handsome features.

He silently bends down and holds my hands in his, kissing my hair softly. "What do ya say that we spend the rest of the day at home, huh? Maybe we could even do a picnic in the living room for dinner tonight."

"We only do those on Fridays," I say as I force the inadequate feelings I'm having away and try to focus on the man standing in front of me. The man who has ever only brought me feelings of joy and contentment.

"Yeah, well.. sometimes change is a good thing."

I roll my eyes so hard I can see the image of me thumping him all the way in the back of my mind.

"But more importantly," he says, ignoring my eye roll, and instead letting his voice drop an octave as he pulls me in close. He brings his lips to my ear and a shiver runs up my spine. "It's time spent with you, and that will always make my heart happy. Besides, I know you love carpet picnics. Can we please do this today? Can I make your heart happy, Wrennie?"

After you just spent all morning ripping it out? Sure.

"Let's do it," I say as I take his strong hand in mine and let him lead me to the truck.

When we get in he turns on the car, but keeps his hand on the key, staring hard at the steering wheel.

"Tell me what you think, Wren."

If I tell him what I truly think, it will break his heart. I think that this woman is the one he always wanted as a wife. Educated, beautiful, and put together. I was an immature 18 year old, and with him four years my senior, he basically took me under his wing. I think that if he marries her, I'll be left on the outside looking in.

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