Mary Anne Saves The Day

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Lilia was sitting on Claudia's bed while the others were just talking about random things...

She was deep into her thoughts until the phone rang, quickly snapping her out of it. Stacey rushed past us and went to pick up the phone while Kristy was being cute and reading her magazine.

"hello, babysitters club"She spoke through. Meanwhile Mary Anne was whispering to herself causing the other girl to frown.

"she wants to talk to you, Mary Anne" Stacey said and handed her the phone

I could tell by reading her face and the other girls that there was gonna be a slight bit of a problem

"I don't--"she spoke nervously looking between us all causing Lilia to give her a thumbs up with a reassuring smile,but the others looked pissed...

"No,I-i mean, yes. I'm free"she said and Kristy looked at her wide eyed and rolled her eyes

"I think...." Mary Anne continued looking at Kristy. Ugh Kristoffer!!

i looked at Kristy mouthing for her to not say anything stupid. Which she rolls her eyes and shakes her head, arms crossed

"The thing is, i belong to a club of babysitters. So.. i'd have to check if any of them--"she finishes and which i think gets cut off by the lady on the other side of landline

I look at all the girls and they are extremely pissed, i mean, Kristy looks like she is gonna kill somebody and the rest just look exactly pissed and i'm happy...

"What's you're address?" Mary Anne finished talking

"Good job buttercup!" Lilia told the nervous girl which she earned a smile from Mary Anne and a glare from Kristy 'dang' she thought to herself...

Kristy then got up from her chair and walked to sit beside Stacey on Claudia's bed, while Lilia sat on the floor watching the girls

"I shouldn't have done that..." Mary Anne said which made my heart break for the cute girl

"'s okay Mary Anne" I told the girl with a small bright smile

Kristy scoffed and tilted her head to Mary Anne "Clients, aren't supposed to pick their clients, Mary Anne" She said ignoring Lilia's comment

"that goes against our entire mission statement" she finished while i shook my head at her

"Kristy...stop" i whispered to her but she obviously didn't listen

Mary Anne looked devastated
"I'm sorry.." she told us all and i smiled

"don't be. I'm proud of you" i reassured the girl and she smiled

"you don't have to apologize, just try to be more assertive and, stand up for yourself" Claudia tried to reassure her but it turned out harsh...

"sorry.." Mary Anne basically almost cried out to us..

"Mary's okay girly" i whispered to which only she could hear

"you don't have to keep saying you're sorry" Kristy told her getting annoyed every second

"sorry" she said again and i sighed

"Mary Anne!" All three of them said in unison

"guys...please" I tried to chime in but they ignored me always...

Stacey finally spoke up
"you have to learn how to advocate better for yourself"

Lilia bit her bails glancing over at Mary Anne who is looking between all three of the girls

𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝗞𝗿𝗶𝘀𝘁𝘆 𝗧𝗵𝗼𝗺𝗮𝘀Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon