Boy-Crazy Stacey

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An: Haven't updated in like a week so sorry<3 but am back haha

Lilia was sitting on the floor of Claudia's Bedroom while The others were chatting away

"Sea city, one week eight pikes two babysitters" Stacey said and glanced over to Mary Anne

"i can't believe you guys are goin"
Claudia said walking around

"Hush!" I screamed making the others jump and look confusingly
at me

"Sorry.....continue" I whispered
as they nodded and shrugged

"i can't believe your dad is letting you go" Kristy said to Mary Anne
as i shot up and looked at her

"Yeah, how is Richard taking it?"
I asked Retaking my Maths Test

Mary Anne thought for a moment before looking back
"Pretty good. Considering, he did make me only get one pieces, which made him feel like he was,again, exerting some measuring control" She says as i nod

"we'll go bikini shopping on our nights off" Stacey told the girl

"In bikini bottom!" I joked laughing and tumbling on the floor.

The others looked at Lilia like she was on some sort of drugs,
while Dawn started to chuckle
Making Kristy shoot her a look.

"What?" Claudia asked

"B-Bikini Bottom....spongebob"
I told them as they nodded slow

"Nevermind...."I roll my eyes

"Anyways. It'll be our chance to bond" Stacey says to her friend

"Really?" Mary Anne asks as i kept stealing glances at Kristy,
Thinking how pretty the girl is. We locked eyes as she smiled making me blush and look away

"Yeah!" Stacey laughed with her

"I'm so jealous. You guys get to gon a, glamorous business trip, while i die of boredom in Vermont." Claudia says as i smirk

"Yeah. You should be Jealous"
i say to her making her glare

"Lily!" Kristy whisper yelled making me jump and sigh

"sorry..." i mumbled

"You'll be with Mimi" Mary Anne
says to Claudia as she scoffs

"she'll be bored too" She replies

"Speaking of boring, this whole wedding stuff has turned my mother into the most basic person to ever live." Kristy says as we all look at her talking

"Flutes or saucers? Roses or Orchids" she continues

"It's like talking to a Brides Magazine  From the 1950's" She explains as i sigh at her

"at least she's not obsessively looking for dates on tinder"
Dawn laughs as we all look at her

"i'm sorry, what?" I say

𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝗞𝗿𝗶𝘀𝘁𝘆 𝗧𝗵𝗼𝗺𝗮𝘀Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon