Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

"You're late." Cora scolded as she opened the front door.

"It's good to see you too, Mother." Regina answered, stepping into the house. "There was a bit of traffic leaving the city."

"I will never understand the appeal of that city. Nor will I understand why you and Kathryn insist on living there." Cora said, walking through the house quickly. "Dinner is getting cold."

"Cora, stop hounding Regina. We don't get to see her often, if you harass her enough we may never see her again." Henry said, standing from the table. "Hello sweetheart!"

"Hi Daddy." Regina said, kissing her father on the cheek before taking a seat at the dining room table. Cora huffed as she sat down, draping her napkin over her lap, beginning to plate the dinner she had prepared for her family. The three ate in silence for quite a while, the sound of the silverware hitting Cora's expensive plates the only sound in the room.

"Kathryn's wedding is coming up soon, is it not?" Cora asked eventually, breaking the silence.

"Yes. Three weeks from today actually." Regina responded.

"And how is she faring? Is she a nervous wreck?" Cora asked.

"Not really, actually." Regina said "She's surprisingly calm, considering the wedding is three weeks away.

"I'm sure it's because you are doing such a good job helping as her Maid of Honor." Henry said, making Regina smile.

"Yes, that must be it." Regina laughed.

"I still don't quite understand why she chose you to be her Maid of Honor. You've hardly known each other very long." Cora said.

"Yes, Mother. I'm sure I wasn't her first choice. She must have exhausted all other possibilities before she asked me." Regina said, laughing slightly, refusing to allow Cora's insults to bring her down from her good mood.

"Regina, may I ask you something?" Henry asked, after a few more minutes of silence.

"Of course, Daddy." Regina said.

"Your Mother didn't want me to bring this up, but I can not sit here and not ask. It's been over three years, have you had any contact with your Soulmate?" Henry asked, clearly concerned.

"Well, I was going to wait until later tonight to tell you but, yes I have." Regina smiled. "I've been talking to them for the past six months." Regina said, taking a sip of wine.

"Oh Regina! I'm so happy for you!" Henry said, standing up, hugging Regina with excitement.

"Well, that explains your mood." Cora scowled.

"Cora, please." Henry said, turning his attention back to his daughter. "Please, tell me about him!" Henry said, being supportive of Regina.

"Well, it turns out, my Soulmate isn't a man after all." Regina said, pausing to see if her parents could make the connection.

"Oh?" Henry said, slightly confused. "A woman?" Henry asked.

"No, Henry. Her Soulmate is a monkey. Yes, she is saying her Soulmate must be a woman." Cora scolded, clearly not happy with this news.

"Yes, that's right. She is a woman." Regina said, not allowing the negativity from her mother to affect her, causing Cora to become slightly more annoyed. "Her name is Emma." Regina said, smiling at the sound of Emma's name.

"Emma. What a beautiful name." Henry said, smiling at his daughter. "Tell me all about her Sweetheart." Henry said.

"No! I do NOT want to talk about this." Cora shouted.

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