meeting a villian

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Yn pov:

I opened my eyes to see that I was back in the bath tub that I had fell asleep in. I looked out the window and it was dark outside I decided to sit and look at the moon for a while, As I was deep in thought thinking about the blond boy with red eyes I found him entertaining. I couldn't help but let a smile slip before going back to my blank expression. I took a deep breath in and unlocked the bathroom door and walked into the main area to find that my father was sleeping in the bed. 'I wonder how long I was out for.' I thought to myself while going to lay on the couch so I could go back to sleep.

After a few minutes of me laying there I felt as if there were eyes on me so I decided to look. I slowly opened my eyes and looked around while standing up to get a cup of water from the kitchen. I walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge door to get a water bottle out and felt a shadow behind me. I walked over to where we kept our pans and grabbed one and without looking I swung back at what was staring at me as hard as I could. I then turned around and saw a...girl? 'Ehh..? Why is she here?' I asked myself as I looked at her.

She looked up at me from the floor with a large smile plaster across her face. 'Ok this is getting weird.' I thought before looking back at my father who was still sleeping 'Wow this man is a heavy sleeper.' I then opened my mouth and spoke to the girl with blond hair that was in space buns she had sharp vampire like teeth and a school girl outfit on. "What are you doing here?" I said with a straight face as I lowered my pan.

"Im here for you my love..heheh!" She said with a large smile and a giggle at the end of her sentence. 'Yeah no'

Toga pov:

I finally found her I have been looking for years shes become so strong I wanna see her bleed. Oh how pretty she would be with blood dripping down her face. I couldn't help but to smile even larger just thinking about it. I felt a sharp pain in my head. 'What the hell?!?'
"YOU- YOU HIT ME?!?!?" My smile faded to a frown. She
stood over me and continued to hit me with a pan the last thing I saw was her smile and that made me smile.

Y/N pov:

After I hit her once I couldn't stop hitting her it felt like instinct almost like I was made to be this way. I couldn't stop it was more like I didn't want to stop. I kept hitting her until she stopped moving. I was frozen standing over her limp body I didn't know what to do but I knew...I needed to get rid of her.

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