30 Shine

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Step into the light
So bright sometimes
I'm not ever going back

Lights Up- Harry Styles

Luckily, I do not pee my pants during sound check.

I get dressed with Heather in the back, doing each other's hair and makeup while she works to calm me down. We can hear the sounds of people filling up the venue and I call my dad, who always has a very calming presence about himself, which helps. He wishes me good luck, tells me that he knows I'll do great out there, and then there's a man in the door of the dressing room telling us that it's go time.

 He wishes me good luck, tells me that he knows I'll do great out there, and then there's a man in the door of the dressing room telling us that it's go time

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

My hands are shaking, but I follow Heather's lead out onto the stage. The lights are so blinding that I can barely see anybody in the crowd, but I sure can hear them. The screaming of everybody in the crowd has the opposite effect that I thought it would. It doesn't intensify my anxiety at all. It knocks reality into me a little bit and makes me realize that I'm here and I'm doing this and I have some amazing fans and this is going to be awesome.

"Hello, the people of London!" Heather greets the crowd and they get louder. I'd be lying if I said that knowing that Harris is in the crowd doesn't help me calm down a little bit too. "How's everybody doing tonight?"

More cheering.

"We have a great show for you guys, but go easy on us. You're not going to believe this, but this is Jensen's very first live performance," she informs the crowd and I do a curtsy bow in my leather skirt. "And she's a little bit nervous."

"I think I peed a little backstage," I tell the crowd, because self deprecating jokes are always an easy way to go. "But we are so grateful that you all came out to see us tonight. Heather and I have spent the past couple of weeks working so hard to make this a great show and we really hope you like it."

"So we're going to start out with a classic. Here's Hollaback Girl," Heather announces and then the live band behind us starts to play the song.

Once the music starts, it's like every anxiety I've had over the past three weeks immediately leaves my body. It feels kind of like how I felt freshman year, the entire reason I got so into music was because I could just strum my guitar and all of my problems melted away. It's doing the same to me now, even though I don't have my guitar in hand.

I dance around the stage like I've been doing this forever and I let the energy of the crowd fuel me forward. They're all here to see us. The front rows are all reaching for the stage because they want us to notice them, want us to give them high fives like we're truly celebrities. It's an incredible feeling and not at all something I ever thought I'd experience.

After the first song, Heather sings one on her own and then it's time for my first original song.

"This one is called The Real Forever," I say into the microphone as Heather gets a drink of water. "It's about friendship and how lucky we are to have a forever relationship with our friends. Sometimes, that gets overlooked and nobody really talks about how magical a friendship bond can be. But it can be pretty fucking magical." As if to prove that point, I give Heather a sideways hug before the song starts.

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