the worst night ever

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DONT GO i begged her when she was lying on the floor arms covered in blood (i was only 10 at this time).

i was brought to the hospital me my dad and my mam it was horrible she laid there on life support they brought me out of the room when they pulled the plug

i was screaming crying because she raise me she made me into the world were in right now.i went in after seeing her life less lying there all i could do was look at her it stayed with me my whole life

I ran out of the building i ran so far and so fast i realised i was in the middle of no where i was in a forest and there was this guy and he said to me are you lost little fella i didnt reply

Next of all he grabbed me and threw me into his van. i was so worried i didnt know who it was and why i then saw a glimpse of the mans face it was my dad he was angry that i ran away. He then brought me somewhere to an abandoned house

He then brought me in and hit me kicked me and threw me against a wall i then got knocked out he had taking all of my close of and had me pinned down on the ground and he said this is all your fault she wouldnt of been in hospital if it werent for you

He then began to rape me as he was hitting me i got knocked out again i woke up and he was gone my clothes  were gone and i just cried for the whole day and week as i was cring i looked up and i realised he had broken my arm i guess i didnt feel it cause of all the other pain

The police found me after 5 hours i went hospital and i asked them i want to see my mam then i heard the awful words anyone can hear she is gone i froze and i must of forgotten about that it already happend it must of been from when i got knockout

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