starting again

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It has been 2 years since it happend i then startedliving with my auntie and uncle on my mams side i was still having bad dreams about that night.

I started school but at a different one because i had to move i didnt have friends.but that didnt matter to me because i didnt need them.i was in school i was doing maths and the words i have never heard before is hi wanna be my friend.

I turned around and sayed hi back and sure it was a bit awkward for me since i only had like 2 friends my entire life we started talking and he lived not to far away from me and his name was sean we had alot in common we like the same sports movies and we even had the same dream and personality

He was the nicest person i ever met we began to start hanging out after school and played video games and we went to the shops around town until one night we saw some people and they came over to was seans siblings they were really nice

It was like i was part of their family and the next day at school sean didnt come in but it was fine he was just sick and the school bullies came over to me and started calling me gay and stupid and ugly.

I didnt like it so i ignored them but that only made it worse they kept on saying sean was my boyfriend and that he likes me.

I got to the point were i wanted to punch them in the face but i knew if i did they would kept on coming after me.i should of just hit them because they kept on saying it day after day after day and even when sean was there.

And they started bulling sean to but sean was the nicest person ever to me he would give me things teach me things say nice things to me and he started getting sad.

One day they came over to us and started making fun of us and sean was standing up for me and was shouting at them i didnt do anything i was to scared.and then the bully punched sean so hard across the face.his mouth started bleeding.

He had to go hospital.he broke his jaw from getting hit and smashing his jaw on the ground it was tragic i went to visit him.and he was happy that i came but sad he couldnt talk too me.

After a while he started improving and i was there every time i started to catch feelings for him.

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