loved for once

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A couple years has passed and im 15 now me and sean are still a couple and we go to the same secondary school (high school )

What do you want to do now i asked he goes i dont know what do you wanna do i smirk at him and go anything with you.

I love you karl sean said i love you too sean.the next day has come we go to school i couldnt find sean any where i said he is probably late.then i didnt see him all day.

Weird i shrugged it off my shoulders
And i went to his house amd his mam said he is in his room i went to his roomand he was in their but he wasnt facing me.

I went over and said sean? Are you ok? No reply back i went over and saw he had been cutting himself and was crying.

Sean? What were you doing i say he didnt answer he was just lying there crying i sat him up and just hugged him so tight.he was crying on my shoulder and he said i cant do anything right.

I asked him what do you mean? While tearing up.he went im not good at anything karl you dont deserve me karl.i said to him sean your the best thing that has ever happend to me in my whole life your the reason im still here.

If it werent for you i wouldnt be standing here anymore i would of been gone when i was 10 years old
Sean please dont do this again ever i love youandi dont want to lose you.

I hugged him again and i cleaned his wounds and we went for a walk to get his mind away from the bad things.
He was feeling a bit down and i sat him down in a feild and i went to him sean thats in the past now dont think about it any more it done that is.

I then kissed him it made him happy.
We went home i got a drink cleaned muself up then went to bed i woke up and i over slept i have to be at school by 8:30 it was 8:40 i got up brushed my teeth and went to school.

I got to school sean was there waiting and he thanked me for last night but he said it hasnt gotten better.i said dont do anything bad to yourself.

He said ok we then went to class and i couldnt find him i looked for him around the school everywhere then i looked in the bathroom he was their i said i was looking for you why were you in here he said i knew you would come her smirking at me.

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