Chapter 5: Military Experience

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It had been a long three days since the mutants had started their travel. Their wings were sore and slightly torn from collisions with branches. Their feet were even more sore, covered in raw wounds and blisters. They were all tired, no matter how much sleep they got. But, the most terrible day started with Sakura's collapse. The winged girl hadn't even made a sound as she crumpled into a heap. They took that as a signal to rest. Lakai and Arabella went for the trees, their wings less sore than the rest because of their larger wingspan. The rest stayed in various branches low to the ground and on the ground, in Sakura and Liberty's cases. Footsore and weary, all went into a fast sleep.

Only to be awoken almost twenty four hours later by the sound of chopping helicopter blades. It was the dead of night, probably around midnight. The five girls were up and flying in less than five seconds. Their wearyness forgotten, they flew frantically through the night sky, which was as black as ink. No moon or stars to light the way. They flew in an erratic pattern, constantly swooping and diving as the helicopter followed, before it opened fire, lighting up the sky. A cry alerted the rest of the girls to the fall of one of their own, but they couldn't tell who. Then, they were split. Kai found herself flying through the forest, shooting through the branches in a blind charge. She landed, running until the helicopter could no longer be heard. The only sound now was Kai's rapid breathing as she tried to calm down. She stumbled along, panting and huffing, shivering violently. The aggressive noises of the forest animals slowly became background noise as she stumbled, black edging her vision. With a violent shriek, she stumbled and fell, the world rapidly turning grey, then nothing.

Bright sunlight invaded the sweet darkness Kai's world had been for....she didn't know how long. With a great heaving breath, she rolled open one of her eyes, assessing the world before the events of the night before hit her. One of them was down. She had to find out where. With a great shove, she pushed herself into a sitting position.

"ARABELLA? SAKURA? LIBERTY? SAHARA?" Kai yelled, vouce hourse. She unfolded her wings, assessing the damage done. None of the bullets had hit her wings, she didn't exactly understand how, but she was thankful. Pumping her wings, she rose above the trees, scanning the horizon for her friends. She swooped, flying low so she could be seen.

"KAI?" A voice yelled, calling Kai's attention to the red checkered wings below her

"Arabella!"She swooped to meet her friend, smiling widely before the two landed, eyes scanning the trees.

Three hours later, they had found Sahara, who was also alright, and Liberty, whose wing had been clipped by one of them. But Sakura was no where to be found. Until...

"Look!" Liberty yelled, pointing to a cleared out area up ahead. The four mutants ran for the small crater, sliding to a quick stop before the hole.

"Sakura?" Sure enough, the bloody, bruised body of the seagull winged girl was laying on her side, dead as the dirt around them. The mutants stood in shocked silence, heads down, wings folded, before, one by one, they lifted off, Kai first, followed by Arabella, then Sahara, and finally Liberty. The group left, so small now that one of their own was dead.

"Gotta keep going northwest" Kai was muttering to herself as they flew, farther and farther northwest, away from the forest

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2015 ⏰

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